Another fun-filled entry from Dread Captian Daisy! ARRRR!

Apr 23, 2003 22:15

It's going to be one of those entries where it's all "Hey, I'm back, nothing has been going on." Of course, that's hardly the case, but we'll pretend that it is for the sake of entertainment and a good time.

So! On with the show, then.

Everything went wrong but we had a great time anyway. First the oven broke (no ham) then the egg dye Mom got was Stupid (dyed everything BUT the eggs) and it was all topped off by the usual psychotic shopping. Mine, actually. Eight forty five on Easter Eve and I'm banging down the doors of H&M looking for black tank tops. I had gotten alot of clothes shopping out of the way the day before that, but as it was I was only dressed from the waist down. Hence the tank top search. Which was dismal.

Easter was okay, in and of itself. Got to sit with Sux in church. Huzzah! Joe was going to come over for dinner, but he had to work. Andy wound up coming over. We barbequed, because the oven was broken. I've already said that but it's getting annoying, having to cook chicken in the microwave all the time. Which brings me to my next paragraph:

Feather's Review of "Ghost Ship"

Yeah, I was digging this movie. Especially that part in the beginning where all the dancers get sliced in half- that scene giving rise to several stomach-turning relations of real-life incidents. Dad said how this guy he knew was in the Navy, and they were running down a companionway, and some guy two people ahead of him got cut right in half by a jet of ultra-pressurized steam from a hole the size of a pinprick in a pipe on the wall... but I digress. Anyway, I recommend this movie, but not particularly for the faint of stomach. And it's a shame that HorseBoy got chopped up and all, but what do you expect when you're on a big possesed boat?

On Monday I got to take the day off from work. This would have been great had it not been for the fact that the reason I took the day off was to spend the morning at the bank, which, in their abject incompetence, had placed six hundred dollars (mine, dammit, mine!) into someone else's account. And then charged sixty dollars because of overdraft fees, since the money not being there when a check cleared put it into overdraft. Ugh. But! It's all straightened out now. Which is good, otherwise several people would be very, very unhappy. *taps baseball bat against foot*

The weather's gotten all cold again. It was snowing today- Dad almost got in a car accident becuase of it. Almost. It's a long explanation involving two cars, an embankment, signposts, two tractor trailers, and some hard-core Fast and the Furious moves. Poor guy. He was so rattled by it that he came home and went straight to bed.

Yeah. So everything's cool with him and his angst now. Which is good. Things were pretty tense for a while, which is why I haven't really been on here. Huzzah.

Now the big question is: What to do with the rest of my life? Dad seems to think I should know this by now.

I have no fucking clue.

First things first, I suppose. School. The whole thing with Collins/RnR. Gah. I get myself into so many messes.

You know, it's odd. My credit is on the verge of being screwed over, messing up the next ten plus years of my life, and I couldn't care less. But I saw a picture of a dead girl the other day in a newspaper and I went all to pieces.

Maybe I should just start writing again. Yeah. That's it. I just need a laptop to carry around with me, since every time I try to write on this damn thing all the ideas go flying out of my head.


This is Captain Daisy, signing off.

"Pirates of Onondaga Lake: the Curse of the Carousel Mall"

easter, family, money, snow, movies

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