To resque your friends pages from my frustration:
I feel like giving up on reading, throwing my hands in the air saying "I can't do this!" and just fail my first exam. It feels like how ever much I spend time with the books, nothing sticks into my head. Studying only latin names of muscles, ligaments, nerves, vessels and bone parts is simply sooooo boring, frustrating and time consuming that I feel like punching and ripping and burning all the anathomy books. I know that I should spend several hours a day reading and re reading and re re reading and re re re reading the names, positions and movements, but it's BORING! Grrrrrrrr!!!! Right now I'm affraid that I'm going to spend numerous hours with these stupid books and end up not passing anyway. My memory for names is utterly pathetic and just being able to show where a muscle connects with the bone isn't enough. You have to know that it's the rectus femoris that fastens in the spina iliacalis anterior inferior, proceeds down on the anterior side of the femur and ends at the lateral side of tuberositas tibiae. There's too much to study and I can't learn everything, so I guess I'll just have to guess what is important and concentrate on that. Also, I think that how ever many hours a day I'll spend studying anathomy, I won't remember anything after a couple of months. Maybe I should take a long walk with Luna to clear my head, only that will not help with the passing the test -part. ARGH!