I can't quite get my head around Trois Couleurs: Bleu. It might very simply be far too high-brow for me. While there is close to no actual action, it has some sort of a hold over me and intrigues me. Very peculiar, French, almost overly arty film, for the unenlightened. And it is a trilogy (no, duh!), so, two more to go.
And, speaking of arty, I think I've convinced Katrine to accompany me on a short excursion to
The National Portrait Gallery's exhibition. I love portraits, particularly black-and white ones. And photography, in general. I am, also, completely taken by
this shot of Ian McKellen, for some reason. Perhaps it reminds me of O'Toole in Venus.
I also have Nabokov's "Lectures on Literature", so now my project of reading books with his commentary can commence. <3