Overdue post

Apr 02, 2008 17:38

Wow, I really haven't updated in awhile (in addition I've been updating less and less frequently). Here's a brief run-down (in list-form, as usual) of what I've been up to:

-I'm the new Phi Alpha Theta president. I can't really say I was 'elected' since I was the only person running, and there are only about 10 members (4 or 5 of whom are graduating).
-I've been doing really well in my Historiography and Indo-American Colonial Inquisitions classes. I'm really excited about my historiography paper, which I've decided to write about how history relates to the ways in which individuals and groups negotiate identity, using the Arab-Israeli Conflict (specifically the 1948 partition--I'm comparing the 'official' and "New History"/Palestinian narratives). It's going to be really interesting and cool.
-My birthday was fun, except for my having to write a 5 page paper the same night (which isn't much, granted, but still).
-Laney and my (syntax?) anniversary was really fun, too. We went to Tokyo Steakhouse. I made her two cards, which I think she really enjoyed.
-I'm looking to study abroad during Summer 09 in South Africa. The program's called "Reconciliation and Development" and is offered by SIT. I'm really looking forward to it, but I'm not sure what to expect. I've never been outside the U.S., not even to Mexico; much less fucking AFRICA.
-I still haven't done anything for my Civic Engagement Project.
-I've been mulling over whether I should join Alpha Phi Omega (the community service fraternity), and, looking at my schedule for next year, it looks like I'll actually have time to do it. I'm still not sure, though.

I'm tired, so that's about it.
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