Aug 21, 2009 17:30
I've got about 20 minutes to try and review this before meeting up with people here in Bath. So here goes.
It's an action film. There's not a great deal of plot. There doesn't need to be. It's based on stuff inspired by an action figure range. As I'm sure you know. It's about Sienna Miller looking quite nice as the Baroness, even if her outfit sometimes looks like it's a little bit big for her. It's about action scenes, shooting, stunts and explosions. That's all you need to know. Oh apart from there being a goody rival to the Baroness called Scarlett. She's supposed to be something of a super brain but she just looks vacant most of the time. She's kind of pretty though I suppose.
Anyway does the film fulfill its objectives in a way that Transformers 2 doesn't? I think so. It concentrates entirely on the good guys fighting the bad guys and not relatives of the good guys getting stoned, dogs humping them or robots urinating oil. Or megan fox bending over whilst not wearing much. Some of the action though is entirely CGI and looks terrible. Just a symptom of the modern era I guess. There certainly is quite a lot of action. Which there should be. At least you can always tell who is who.
It is quite laughably bad at times (most of them actually) but it doesn't seem to really matter. It's just okay and doesn't set out to be as horrible as it possibly can or overstay its welcome.
It's overblown in the extreme and quite pointless and daft. Didn't stop me quite enjoying it though.
But should you go to see it? Probably not to be honest. Unless you have a high tolerance of CGI infested silly action films. Which I have. It seems. I think there is a new standard for bad films which is Transformers 2. It's difficult for anything to be quite as bad as that hateful abomination. Or at least so I'm told. I haven't seen it because it sounded so bad.