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Apr 09, 2006 16:38

Update time!
Well things were/are going well in my life department. Things with Andrew are going along nicely. a few ups and downs, but we have worked them out and going strong. =D

School and work are still there. Still trying to find a new job but its fucking hard in Geelong and it sucks! but you get that i suppose! i guess im lucky to have a job in the first place!

friday night at about 3am i had a nice trip to the hospital! was spening the night with andrew, and all of a sudden i started to get stabbing pains in my lower abdomin. after trying to get to sleep with no luck, i sat up and knew soemthing what not right. by the andrew realised too, jumped out of bed and told me we are going into town! by the time we got the the hospital i was hyperventalating and freaking out (always fun) and still in a shit load of pain. They thought it was two things, something with my bowel or an ovarian cyst. turns out that most likely than not its the latter. so i'll be having an ultrasound this week to see if it is or not, and what to do from there! and i was being good in the health area! oh well these things happen!

other than that things are good, and i really have no idea what to update on so im gonan leave it haha
anyway love you all!
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