Jan 13, 2006 15:32
Well ive decided that my new year started on wednesday!
was talking to the ex about getting back together, then the next day its like he changed his mind, so i got a straight answer from him and told him to fuck off! and then the next day i cleaned my room! haha im alright about it all, he did treat me well just angry that he strung me along for a while.. guys pfft! hehe..
Well ive now figured out what my new resolutions are, and nope they dont include quitting smoking so stick that up ya. the four are;
1. Get a new job by march, full time.
2. pay off folks for smashing the barina
3. Get a tattoo by end of the year
4. Get a car by end of the year.
im really hoping these happen! ive never really thought hard about new year resolutions until this year, so im pretty determind for all of them to happen!
So yeah im thinking about being single for a while, i havent been single for more than 6months since i was 16 so i reckon a good stint without a relationship will be good for me... but i'll say that now so i'll keep an open mind haha!
anyway now much to update on, better start getting ready for work... ARGHPFFT