November's a bear!

Oct 30, 2011 22:02

Oh, November...

So I have lots going on this coming month! Here, in all its glory, what I foresee getting up to in the 30 days of November:

NaNoWriMo: 50,000 words in 30 days, and this year I'm retelling fairytales, because damn I love them. Anyone who sees this can be my writing buddy! I'm teague over on that site. <3

Sexy November, Part Deux: I will be attempting to be a healthier person with this challenge, and possibly get back to where I was in high school as far as flexibility goes. Oh, stretching, you were never a priority... Also, more fruits and veggies and avoidance of pie.

Secret Santa '11: I'm about 1/3 of the way done making my Santee's present, which is not as far as I wanted to be, but I got majorly distracted by NaNo plot bunnies mugging me. I have plenty of time, right? :P

Christmas Cards: I have not forgotten these, and I'm hoping to send them out beginning of December, but I'm expecting to send them about halfway through the month.

All of this surrounded by a retail schedule that includes Black Friday. Shoot me now?
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