Jun 07, 2008 17:10
From keiki13:
Here are the rules:
1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you 5 questions of a very personal nature.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them 5 questions.
My Q&A:
1. What do you enjoy most about your circle of friends?
I like that even though we all have different lifestyles, beliefs, dreams, and goals, we can all sit down and enjoy each other for who we are. Play some games, engage in conversations, laugh. I like that I know some of my friends well enough that I can raid the fridge or fall asleep on the couch during a movie and not feel weird about it. Yet at the same time, I know I have just scratched the surface in knowing them. We all have so many layers, such different stories. I enjoy each time I discover something new about a friend, share a new experience. Yet at the same time I enjoy that I can just hang out and play a game, discuss a movie or book and that I can still count on a snort or horrible pun. I guess I enjoy everyone's predictability within their own spontaneous diversity.
2. If you could be anyone (dead, alive, fictional) who would you be?
I don't know. Sometimes I think it would be cool to be some one else because there is an aspect of their life that I believe I would enjoy, such as being famous for discovering/inventing something, having a lot of money, creating political or social change, or having super powers. But then I think that I really don't want to be that person, just be able to experience a piece of their life. Even though I'm not "perfect" in my own sense, or haven't yet made some huge impact on society (yet :P), I kinda like being me.
3. Do you want babies of your own?
I still debate that one. Sometimes I wish for that bond, for the experience of being able to watch and nurture a human being as the miracle of their life unfolds. That's why I love my job so much, I guess. However, sometimes I still think I would be too selfish. I like doing what I want when I want to do it. I like sleeping. However, I also know that I would probably love being a mother. I want to wait for the perfect time, yet there probably never will be one. Right now, I'm okay with not having a baby. But as for the future, it is still a solid maybe.
4. Where would be your dream vacation be?
Somewhere where I could sit by the water all day and read but at night I could eat fabulous food and dance. I want to hike by waterfalls and spend time getting pampered with massages, saunas and hot tubs. Somewhere warm enough that I could swim in the ocean in a bathing suit, but not so hot that I couldn't spend all day outside. Oh yea, and it doesn't cost an arm and a leg to be there. Someone with my current income could afford it. I'm not sure where this place is yet...but if anyone discovers a place like this, please tell me.
5. Do you want more tattoos?
I contemplate more tattoos, but I haven't fully settled on their design and placement, yet. I have some ideas, things to do with goddess images, water, woven nature designs, and lotus flowers, but nothing I've really had my heart set on for a reasonable amount of time. I also need to save up some money. I know that when I finally do get more, it will definitely be more than one. At least two, possibly three.