My thoughts on the matter

Jul 30, 2007 16:51

The reality is “We the sedated masses”.

Everyone talks about TV or Video Games as being the “opiate” for the masses. That’s bullshit. The opiate of the masses has been found and is in use constantly.

September 11 happened; the nation pulled together and shook our fists, growling that something needed to be done. The government sent our brothers and fathers, our sisters and mothers our friends and family to a god forsaken country in search of a man. That was almost 6 years ago. We still haven’t found that man.

We wanted something done to protect us and our families. To provide a sense that the government was doing something. The government Founded by “We the People” smiled to it’s self and passed the “Patriot Act”. Which was to “protect” us. Bullshit, it’s so the government can wave a sheaf of paper at us when we complain about them listening to our call, reading our e-mails and searching our properties, and tell us that we allowed it when we allow the Act to go on. The government that is supposed to be run by us, voted into office by us, and that is supposed to listen to us is run by a bunch of old men and women interested only in lining their pockets with the sweat of the working man.

“We the People” have allowed the government that WE are supposed to be running to take away our liberties one at a time. Little things at first, lighters on airplanes. Then Bigger things. Soon it will be to the point that the Bill of Rights will be unreadable for all the modifications and Red Tape.

It is written in our constitution that we are to rebel and reset the government when it no longer meets our needs. I have just committed treason according to the government that is in place.

To speak out against the government is a social disease. BULLSHIT! It’s what we are supposed to do, question the status quo. Make waves and changes, make things pop and happen. But “We the People” have become lax, we have allowed the government to take away things from us one at a time, a little at a time, piece by piece and chunk by chunk. And by the time the sedated masses notice, it will be too late. There will be no rights; there will be nothing to fall back on.

Stand up for what you know and want and respect. This country is too focused on what’s happening in the world to pay attention to what is going on in our back yards. “People in Africa are starving” well so are people in New York, or California or Florida.

We need a world view, yes, I agree with this. But can we get a nation view first?

To ramble back where I was, it is time to start making changes. The right to bear arms is still in existence. There are militias all over the place, small ones, they are tolerated. I can damn near guarantee that if they pulled together in force we would have another Waco incident.

I don’t know what happened at Waco, I don’t think anyone will ever really know. Cause the government isn’t telling.

Please look around you, find the inconsistencies that are being pawned off to the masses. Kick people awake, force them to open their eyes, but don’t force them to think like you. Open their eyes, engage their brains, help them find and see the inconsistencies.

The opiate for our masses? That mystical drug that has turned “We the People” to “We the sedated masses”. It’s not violence on TV or video games. It’s not the TV with it’s reality shows and soap operas. It’s not the game consoles or the computers or the internet.

It’s something far more insidious. It’s far more damning. It’s far more damaging.

Blind compliancy.

Our forefathers would spin in their graves if they could see us today.

Do something different, open your eyes, make a change.

- Alicorn

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