K first, read here
http://www.sbe.virginia.gov/cms/documents/2006_Constitutional_Amendments/2006ques_marriage_APPROVED.pdf then the following will make more sense
I guess what I'm most against is the state defining marriage. No where else does it define marriage, not in the pagan religion and not even in the bible.
Marriage is a spiritual commitment between two people who are stating that they want to spend the rest of their lives loving each other and supporting each other and they want to mark it by a ceremony (Like everything else in our lives we make things with ceremony, birthdays, graduations, death, etc)
For years women have been telling the government 'My body My choice', does this not in some way fall under the same umbrella?
I realize that same sex relationships may not be for everyone. And that's ok too.
But who are we as a people to say whether or not PersonA and PersonB are allowed to commit to each other and call it married? If we decide to not allow same sex marriages, what's next on the list of things they (being the government) are going to take away from us?
I speak half jokingly at times about licenses for breeding. As in people should not be allowed to have children unless they've met certain criteria, by taking classes and what not. But is that just the next step of control?
We are supposed to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave.
And from my point of view We the People have become so lax in out attentions as to what our government does that we are allowing them to define our lives to a point that is ridiculous. Next thing we know it may be against the law to be over weight, or a smoker.
Our society is fast on its way to mimicking Logan’s Run in so many ways.
But where is our Sanctuary?