Apr 20, 2005 23:48
I opened Grunk up and my lack of tools stopped me from progressing. I tried what I did have access to, and at least he isn't QUITE as noisy as he was. But yeah, I could have sworn I had the proper tools but when I went to go get them, I found that dad moved them. He does things like that.
And the reason I was not pleased with the announcement of Quake 4 is because they have decided to return to single player (yay!), but not the mythos of Quake 1 (boo!) and instead return to the wretched, fucking awful Quake II's storyline. THAT FUCKING SUCKS. Quake II was crap from start to finish.
EDIT: Oh Heather, I need your help with my resume again. I'll try to get in touch with you as soon as I can.