This weekend is going to Blow

May 06, 2005 16:08

Get this I worked last night from 5-10, and tonight I work the same shift again! I'm not sure if I would rather work 11-5, what I'm scheduled, tommorrow or 5-10. Usually I would want the 11-5 but Breanna is working tommorrow night and not if I work at night I may be able to see her for a little bit. She wrote my a note that was =very much needed I think to show us were we are in our relationship. It still is a little complicating but I am happy with it, except for her being grounded and all because we never get to be together outside of school anymore and I don't think we'll be able to until Prom and after that who knows. She said it best when she told me that her being grounded is a test for our relationship, which it is. I just wish it wasn't such a hard test! If I dont work tomorrow night I think that I'm going to a movie with my friend Sammy and his girlfriend, along with a group of others, Kingdom of Heaven I think it's called. I might not be able to see Branna until Monday morning, it's so depressing! What's even more depressing is that as school gets closer to an end the more I kind of wish there was more time so that I could build my relationship with Breanna better before summer. Graduation is going to be a joyful as well as a sad time, it sucks! Oh yeah, I got a C+ on my Statistics class and it pissed me off for the rest of the day, since that is the worst grade I have got in that class and probably brought my grade from a 96% down to a B! That would fuck up my 4.0 GPA, which I have had since 4th Quarter of last year. Anyway, Sunday's mother's day and I planned on getting flowers for Breanna's mom but I'm not sure if I'll even get the chance to give her them becuase she won't let me come over! AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!! Well I've got to go prepare for "Hell", AKA work.
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