umm I find this offensive. You are acknowledging Yamapi's previous presence in NEWS with this poll, but cutting Ryo off completely? If that's not what you meant then maybe you need to clarify in the post since that is how it reads. Does this mean that you will continue to post Yamapi scans? If that is what you mean then explain that. If you don't plan to post Yamapi scans and only post NEWS scans then it doesnt make sense to include him. I don't normally comment like this, it is just that the tone of your post and comment are incredibly rude and off-putting to me and, judging by the other comment, others as well. To be honest I only showed up on this page to ask the same question.
Honestly, I think a lot of the flak here comes not from the comment (though flippant and terse) that you aren't posting K8 scans ( I mean why would you, this is not a K8 comm), but that it is implied that were Ryo to do any solo work (which he has done in the past with tours/dramas/etc) he and mentions of that work will not be allowed in this comm at all, but if Pi does solo work (tours/dramas/etc) then it is totes ok to mention or include it in this site (provided the poll results allow for it).
It has nothing to do with Kanjani 8. It has everything to do with blacklisting one individual while making allowances for another, and not even giving members a say in the matter re:Ryo.
I was gonna ask the same thing but your comment bites. Seriously. lol
I don't normally comment like this, it is just that the tone of your post and comment are incredibly rude and off-putting to me and, judging by the other comment, others as well. To be honest I only showed up on this page to ask the same question.
It has nothing to do with Kanjani 8. It has everything to do with blacklisting one individual while making allowances for another, and not even giving members a say in the matter re:Ryo.
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