well i didnt go to sleep till around 5 hoping that Jon would call me back because he was on the phone with danielle talking to her since one! He got off the phone at 330 cuz it rang but no one picked up. so little bitch me checks his damn voice mails on his cell and here she is on there " oh boo boo the phone got disconnected and i didnt wanna call ur house cuz ur mom was soon about to wake up to go to work, i guess ill talk to you tomarrow love you bye"
WTF i dont get this. He hung up with me to talk to her and i was to call him bak but ugh he was on the damn phone all fuckin night iwth that skank hoe.. im mad more mad cuz i wake up this morning and call him like i was to at 830 cuz he was wakin up at 8 to come shoppin and junk with me and guess who tells me they are to tired to go with me today? JON! the reason being is cuz he was talkin to that skank all night long and now im suffering for it. My om wanted him to go to and is askin me why he isnt and blah blahh i cant tell her the whole story or she will hate him ;x so much is going on and him and him need a long talk about this girl... i dont know what is up and he needs to fuckin tell her to stop talkin to him or sumthing cuz it is pissin me off... hmm help me out peoples
Love always
Ps. My layout is done ;] very cute isn't it? You all need to check out and join the community
Iconic_Strife She does really good work! and she is a sweetie!
Thanx again