Screw NYC cab drivers

Feb 17, 2009 20:07

I try to be considerate to cab drivers. All of my parents were cab drivers at a point, but the cabbies in NYC are maniac assholes who only care about money & are willing to disregard the safety of everyone around them in order to get more money & caffeine. They're over-caffeinated & over-worked, but right now i don't give a shit.

Today as i was biking to work a cabbie pulled quickly & directly into the bike lane without signaling. I banged hared on his cab, but he kept moving into my lane & i fell into the road. I was furious. I banged on his window, but he wouldn't open up & just sneered at me. I looked at his cab number & repeated it to myself all the way to work so that i could file a complaint with his fleet owner. Normally this isn't something i would do, but there was absolutely no reason for him to completely cut me off & force me to fall into traffic.

I repeated his cab number all the way here & then when i looked at my seat assignment for the night, the cab number jumped out of my head. I didn't have time to think clearly enough to write the number down. There's not really anything i can do now but nurse my sore wrist & battered knee. I am SO MAD that the accident ripped a huge hole into a basically new pair of Dickies & now my knee is purple & bleeding.

gah. It was only 4 characters. I remember there was a 2 in it... he was a skinny Indian guy... yeah, i'm just gonna have to suck this one up. I was having such a nice day up to that point.


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