Howard's End is longer & more tedious than i thought it would be. I've been reading it off & on amongst other works. E.M. Forster has provided my word of the day: treacle. One character threatened to "throw the treacle" at another character so i wrote the word on my thumb & looked it up when i got home. I encourage you to do the same; it's a pleasure.
trea·cle /ˈtrikəl/ [tree-kuhl]
1. contrived or unrestrained sentimentality: a movie plot of the most shameless treacle.
2. British.
a. molasses, esp. that which is drained from the vats used in sugar refining.
b. Also called golden syrup. a mild mixture of molasses, corn syrup, etc., used in cooking or as a table syrup.
3. Pharmacology Obsolete. any of various medicinal compounds, formerly used as antidotes for poison.