Sep 11, 2011 13:34
First off, I woke up at 9:11 this morning and that was weird. Except I fell back asleep and really got up at like 11:30. Less of a weird cowinkydink. I guess it's not much of a wacky coincidence at all. It's just so rare that I wake up knowing the date. Probably there have been lots of times in my life I woke up when the hour matched the day. I want to say most of these occasions happened between August and December. I guess that makes today's wake up thoroughly inane, in actual fact.
Ok so I've been making these dumb things out of clay since I was so little. But now I want to sell them for money instead of saddling people with them for free.
I've been really frustrated though about how things don't turn out how I want. I'm better at the clay part after switching clays and practicing some, but my painting is clumsy. I was all defeatist about it earlier. Now I'm thinking I can get better paints and give myself time and also give myself a break. Because why would I be magically good at painting figurines when I've never done it before? Jeez louise.
I've been browsing etsy to see what other clay people are doing and what they're charging. It's neat 'cause there are people who specialize in toppers and those are generally cutesy and blobby--not technically very impressive--and kinda expensive. Then there are the people who make creep-ass fairies, which are far more impressive on a technical level, but generally less expensive, especially considering the difference in skill. I'm thinking the cake toppers cost more because there is a bigger market of egomaniacal brides (no offense, brides!) than there is of freak-a-deaks who want to look at hairy little fairy creeps with giant, watery eyeballs.
So basically what I want is to develop the skills of the super detail oriented fairy creeps, but use those skills for good instead of evil.
And I think I'd even be open to making toppers that make me puke. Like a dude in a football jersey who's like "I don' wanna get married! Dur, I wanna watch tv" and his wife-to-be is crying so softly into her bouquet. Wait no. I never want to participate in that shit.
Really, really, what I want is to have some fun artsy craftsy thing to do every once in a while and get some monies for it. That's all.