23:59 Mr_Todd walks in, quietly, but that's to be expected. Look, Dr. Grey, he has both hands!
0:00 Robbie makes a rusty, rattle-y sound that might be a chuckle. "Mr. Osborn makes the selections. And he's sorta..."
Robbie wiggles his fingers. You know.
0:00 Njoki "Yeah, I know." Njoki nods to Mr Todd. She has no good news for him.
0:00 Robbie He has an 'interesting' idea of what makes a good team.
0:00 DrGrey 's eyes narrow drastically once he spots Todd and he grins widely. Oh. Hello there.
0:01 Mr_Todd never expects good news. Has he ever -gotten- good news from anyone in fifteen years? No. Why would it start now? He ignores Grey and goes to sit near Njoki.
0:01 Njoki "Hullo, Mr.Todd."
0:02 Mr_Todd Good evening.
0:02 Robbie nods to the dude. Hey, dude.
0:02 *** IvyMun is now known as Patrick_
0:03 Njoki "I, ah, I have a bit of news for you. Would you prefer to talk here or outside?"
0:03 DrGrey watches Mr.Todd. On one hand (lul) his situation makes him a good test subject. On the other, his apathetic attitude towards self harm makes things... difficult.
0:03 Mr_Todd We can talk here.
0:04 Patrick_ wanders in. He has duct tape hanging off his shirt and is doing that young teenage male grumbling thing. He's going to pour root beer, Dr, Peper, and Sprite into a big ole glass then sniff it a few times. It's safe. Now time to drink it.
0:04 DrGrey 's eyes wander between Njoki and Todd now. Huh.
0:04 Njoki would have preferred outside. "It's of a personal nature." Hint, hint, Mr. Victorian Censibilities.
0:04 Njoki ((BAH. S.))
0:05 Mr_Todd ahhs, quietly, and gets up to leave.
0:05 Njoki heads into the yard.
0:05 DrGrey doesn't follow. That'd be quite obvious.
0:05 Robbie watches them go, vaguely curious. Sip.
0:05 DrGrey also watches them go.
0:06 Patrick_ blinks then shrugs. "It's pretty quite...this afternoon?" He checks his watch. No. It's night. "Eh. Tonight."
0:08 DrGrey Quiet. *He murmurs, still watching the door.*
0:08 Robbie I could fix that for you. *he says it almost cheerfully. Volunteering!*
0:08 DrGrey turns finally, raising an eyebrow at Robbie.
0:09 Patrick_ blinks!
0:10 Robbie gives a little almost-smile. Like so:
http://p-userpic.livejournal.com/74145769/14273563 :]
0:10 DrGrey ....
0:11 Robbie Is that a no?
0:12 Patrick_ nods. "I think it is."
0:13 Robbie snaps his fingers. "Darn."
0:15 Patrick_ snickers. Then starts to try and get the duct tape off his shirt. >:\ It's a fiesty bit of duct tape.
0:15 DrGrey taps metallic fingers against his thigh and glances yardward again.
0:18 Patrick_ "I hate high school." Patrick really does.
0:18 DrGrey just clicks his tongue in response to that. Ah, high school.
0:19 Robbie *blandly* Could be worse.
0:20 Patrick_ eyes Robbie. Very seriously. "Do tell."
0:21 Robbie You could be a homeless dropout. You could be in prison. You could be paralysed. Your parents could disown you. You could be dead.
0:24 DrGrey stands and PINS out.
0:24 Patrick_ thinks about this seriously. Because clearly this is a serious matter. Or he could just be counting the afters and improable corners un the ceiling. "Well. If I /did// dropout my Dad would totally disown me. Or kick my ass back in." Ahhh. Other guy left. This...might be sad? Patrick isn't sure.
0:26 Robbie Stay in school. *tips the water bottle at Patrick. It's so deadpan it's hard to tell whether he's joking.*
0:29 Patrick_ nods. "Yeah." He tugs off another length of duct tape then blinks. The trash can. Where'd he see it? Ah. Over there. He'll ball it up and try to shoot it in like a small basketball then just sigh when it falls short.
0:31 Robbie settles in his chair, keeping his back carefully straight, and drinks his water while his mun gets food.
0:34 Matt ((Food's not a bad idea, come to think of it))
0:40 Patrick_ is drinking his odd soda mixture.
--- #theyard ---
0:06 Njoki fidgets and looks awkward.
0:07 Mr_Todd stands there, not exactly awkward, but he usually manages to look out of place.
0:07 Njoki "I, ah, have bad news, Mr.Todd. I've asked all the gods I know, all the spirits I could think of, and I've got nothing for you. Nothing helpful, not really."
0:09 Mr_Todd looks... somewhat concerned. His expression is distant. He's watching the yard, not her.
0:10 Njoki "I couldn't get a straight answer and, I looked into everything I could think of from laying you to rest, to banishing your spirit, to just putting you to sleep until someone found a solution."
0:11 Mr_Todd "So then, that's it?" Mild concern, and beneath that, a considerable amount of rage, certainly enough to have damned him.
0:12 Njoki "If something comes to light, I'll let you know as soon as possible, but I wouldn't...I wouldn't expect it any time soon."
0:13 Mr_Todd "That man in there wants to use me as a test subject," he says. "Because I won't stay dead."
0:14 Njoki sits down and scrubs at her face. "God, that's disgusting." She means Grey, of course.
0:16 Mr_Todd sits down next to her, watching her, now. Maybe her throat. "I cut through my wrist to get out."
0:17 Njoki "Oh, Mr Todd. I'm so sorry." She really is, too. If she could end his pain, she would.
0:23 Mr_Todd pulls a razor out of nowhere. It's quickly enough that he probably could have taken a swipe at her neck, but he just wants to look at it, evidently.
0:24 Njoki scrubs a hand through her hair before sitting back on the bench. "The only thing I can think to do is petition a god or God himself."
0:25 Mr_Todd "'Look myself'" He's not complaining, mind you, just remarking, while turning the blade.
0:26 Njoki "I just don't know what else I can offer you."
0:34 Mr_Todd looks between her and the razor. His thought process isn't exactly hard to work out, but he still doesn't attack her.
0:36 Njoki has had a strange couple of days. She stands and walks out further into the garden, leaving him on the bench.
0:37 Mr_Todd follows her. He doesn't have words enough to describe how all of this feels. What he has is the blade he carries at his side, and he attempts to catch up and make eye contact with her.
0:38 Njoki stops standing by one of the little stone statues. No, not one of the herms, just a bit of stone put in the ground with a veve on it. "Yes?"
0:41 Mr_Todd watches her for a moment. He doesn't so much need her to understand as he figures that she might, but, regardless, after that moment, he swings the razor at her throat. Ghosts caught in patterns, and all that.
0:42 Njoki is an absolute CRAP fighter and she's going to go down like a sack of potatoes. Gurgle? (Reflexes? We don't need no steenkin' reflexes.)
0:43 Mr_Todd knows she'll be back in a minute. He turns back toward the Sanctuary, with a scowl, and walks back inside.
--- #thesanctuary ---
0:43 Mr_Todd walks back inside, and heads right for the washroom, to get the blood out of his clothes, as one does.
0:44 Robbie ...
0:44 Patrick_ bliiinks.
0:45 Robbie looks out toward the yard. Give him half a -- oh, there he goes. At a clumsy, stumbling run even. "'KI!"
0:46 Patrick_ makes a nervous sound. Then decides to follow. Because he's a wizard. He might be able to help.
--- #theyard ---
0:43 *** Njoki is now known as ex-Njoki
0:44 *** Nai joined #theyard
0:46 ex-Njoki is dead for a ducat, dead. X_______X
0:46 *** Patrick_ joined #theyard
0:46 Patrick_ has followed right after Robbie.
0:46 Robbie RUNS out here, oh yes. Skids to a halt as he sees the body, catching himself in the doorway and then rebounding back inside.
0:46 ex-Njoki is just chillin' and bleeding out by a little stone marker. Like you do. Give'er a moment.
0:47 Robbie probably barrels right past Patrick, possibly knocking him out of the way. He's stronger than he looks.
0:47 Patrick_ probably doesn't notice except for a little hiss.
--- #thesanctuary ---
0:49 Robbie comes right back in, gone paler than usual, rage contorting his face. He follows the way he saw Sweeney go. This may get messy.
0:49 Mr_Todd cleaned up the mess -already-, though. Don't ask how he does that.
0:51 Robbie is going to make more of one. You son of a bitch.
0:52 Mr_Todd steps out of the washroom, with that same vaguely concerned scowl he walked in here with.
0:53 Robbie tries to nail him with a ...glowy blue punch. Poit! Arena.
0:53 *** Robbie is now known as Robbie[Arena]
0:53 Mr_Todd ((I take that back, I forgot about the AVF))
0:53 Mr_Todd ((I can put him in the washroom chat, sorry))
0:54 Robbie[Arena] ((That would work better. *ZOMGRETCON*))
0:54 Mr_Todd ((retcon!))
0:54 Mr_Todd never walked out!
0:54 Robbie[Arena] storms into #thewashroom , while Sweeney is still in there!
0:57 *** Robbie[Arena] is now known as Robbie[washroom]
--- #thewashroom ---
0:54 Mr_Todd is in -here- with the same scowl as before!
0:55 Robbie[Arena] storms in. Shaking with rage and -- are those tears? "You son of a bitch --!" Hi, Mr. Todd, he's gonna try to punch you now. With a glowy blue fist that may hurt more than most punchings.
0:56 Mr_Todd gets socked right in the gut, and lurches backward. The interesting thing, that Dr. Grey saw himself, several days ago, is that beyond the initial reaction, he doesn't seem to care that he's been hit, even with a glowing blue fist that might have cracked a rib.
0:57 *** Robbie[Arena] is now known as Robbie[washroom]
0:58 Robbie[washroom] doesn't care that he doesn't seem to care. He attempts to grab and haul Todd up by his neck, and shove him against the wall. "What did she ever do to you!?"
0:59 *** ex-Njoki is now known as Njoki
1:00 Mr_Todd isn't as impressed by violent threats as much as Robbie might hope. He -still- just looks slightly cross and concerned. Tired, maybe? Can they get the fight over with, now?
1:02 Robbie[washroom] is crying. A lot. "-Well?- ANSWER ME!" He slams him against the wall again.
1:04 *** Nai quit (Exit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
1:04 Mr_Todd doesn't, in fact, answer him. He just glances over at the door to the Sanctuary.
1:06 Robbie[washroom] hits him. He will, in fact, probably keep hitting Sweeney until he either does something, or someone stops him.
1:07 Mr_Todd might do something like die, if that goes on for long enough, you know. That's something.
1:07 *** Some joined #thewashroom
1:07 Robbie[washroom] *with luck, someone will.... um, realise that they're in here, before that. Anyone? Bueller?*
1:08 Mr_Todd isn't exactly doing much to get anyone's attention. Hurry up, eh?
1:11 Robbie[washroom] ... okay, yeah, time's up. Sorry, Mr. Todd. :( Your head got a little squishy near the end.
1:12 Njoki was JUST on her way. Sry. ._______. She was a little preoccupied.
1:12 Mr_Todd dies. Again.
1:13 Mr_Todd just got his clothes cleaned up, too.
1:13 Robbie[washroom] is just gonna keep punching, okay? And crying. There's a lot of that.
--- #theyard ---
0:51 Patrick_ makes an upset sound. Then goes to see if he can DO anything for Ki. Even though she's /probably/ dead. He wants to be sure.
0:51 ex-Njoki isn't looking to hot. X_X
0:52 ex-Njoki (*too, even.)
0:53 *** Robbie is now known as Robbie[Arena]
0:53 Patrick_ decides he should check for a pulse. Too bad he doesn't have gloves. But he decides it doesn't matter.
0:53 ex-Njoki 's has had her throat slit. Dude. ...and no, no pulse.
0:54 ex-Njoki does have a neat little [In Case of Emergency and/or Death Please Call] card?
0:54 Patrick_ would have gone for her wrist! D: Oh god. He's just going to hicup. Then grab that card to call people.
0:56 ex-Njoki 's typist waits for the person who the card is intended for to log into this room.
0:57 *** Robbie[Arena] is now known as Robbie[washroom]
0:57 ex-Njoki [Never mind! The call will go to the answering machine. :D Leave a message at the beep.]
0:57 Patrick_ 's typist can wait too. So Patric will have a small panic attack. To explain away his being out here. Plus it seems wrong to leave a dead body alone.
0:58 Patrick_ "Hi...Your friend Njoki? She's..um. Dead. In the yard of the Sanctuary." D:
0:58 Patrick_ cangobackinside?
0:58 ex-Njoki cough, hack, OH GOD LIVES.
0:59 Matt ((Oh god, that's gonna be awkward.))
0:59 Patrick_ FREAKS THE SHIT OUT! Flaily time. "Ok she isn't dead...Holy fuck." D:
0:59 ex-Njoki rolls over and heaves a little. That is nasty man. "Shit!" ...and wow, can she swear in French. We're not going to translate that.
0:59 *** ex-Njoki is now known as Njoki
1:01 Patrick_ finally dashes for a bush. Sorry but dead bodies are kind of freaky. When they come back it's worse. He'll just come back like a nervous thing. "Ma'am? Can..Is there anything I can do for you?"
1:02 Njoki is going to be all wobbly for a bit and croak when she talks. "Glass of water?"
1:03 Patrick_ "Yeah. I'll be right back." He'll get a towel for her too.
1:03 Patrick_ dashes inside!
1:04 *** Nai quit (Exit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
1:04 Patrick_ comes back out and offers her the towel and glass of water.
1:04 Njoki drinks half and wets down the towel with the other half to try and clean up. C'mon, let's get her back into the Sanc.
1:06 Patrick_ shall offer his arm! So she won't fall and stuff. That'd be sucky.
1:06 Njoki appreciates that. "Sorry about the mess."
1:07 Patrick_ "It's ok." It really is. They shall go in now?
1:07 Njoki They shall!
--- #thesanctuary ---
1:04 *** Nai quit (Exit:
http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
1:04 Robbie[washroom] *there is possibly some amount of distraught Robbie-yellingcoming from the washroom. and the sound of things breaking.*
1:08 Njoki is back in the Sanc and looking a little worse for wear. :/
1:08 Patrick_ can walk her to a couch? The one she was at before?
1:09 Robbie[washroom] *there are some noises coming from the washroom! not the screaming there was before, though. More like someone crying.*
1:09 Njoki "Shit, -shit-, where's Robbie and Mr Todd?"
1:10 Patrick_ "I'm not sure. Robbie..Ran back in when he saw you." He pauses then groans.
1:11 Patrick_ "I called the person on this card." He passes back that emergency contact card. "You /were/ dead."
1:11 Njoki Does she have to do everything herself? "Right, okay, I'll call him but..." To the bathroom!
1:18 Patrick_ frets then follows! This will not end well. He's sure of it.
--- #thewashroom ---
1:14 Njoki opens the door. "Feckin' hell." Yes, her voice is pretty much shot for the evening.
1:16 Mr_Todd isn't, of course, doing anything much at all at the moment.
1:16 Robbie[washroom] jerks up, dropping what's left of Sweeney. He twists to see her, covered in blood and probably some brain tissue, shaking like a leaf. "'Ki --" Ohgodohgodohgod...
1:17 Njoki "Oh, hell, Robbie. I'm sorry, it's Mr Todd, nothing he does is permanent. It doesn't last." Yes, she's still (more or less) covered in blood.
1:18 *** Patrick_ joined #thewashroom
1:19 Robbie[washroom] is gonna sit right here in all the blood and head-punched-in dead body and cry, okay?
1:19 Njoki will go sit beside him. "He'll come back. It's his curse."
1:20 Robbie[washroom] doesn't seem to hear her. Reality? What?
1:21 Mr_Todd 's hand twitches.
1:21 Njoki pulls out her phone and calls Mr. Osborn.
1:24 Robbie[washroom] is going to just keep with the freaked out crying, until/unless Mr. Todd starts moving a bit more.
1:24 Njoki is having a quick talk and debating if she can safely move Robbie out of here.
1:25 Njoki "Robbie. We're going to PIN out of here." Can she touch him?
1:25 Mr_Todd sits up, rather suddenly.
1:25 Njoki doesn't care to wait for an answer. PIN!
1:25 Robbie[washroom] twists around and punches him.
1:26 Robbie[washroom] may or may not get that in before he's PIN'd out. >_>
1:26 *** Njoki is now known as takhys
1:26 Mr_Todd falls back over. Wow. Jerk.
1:27 *** Robbie[washroom] is now known as Terana
1:27 Mr_Todd is just going to pinpoint out of here, himself...