The flea on the bitch

Jul 18, 2011 18:07

Who: thetrollprince & suckmylipstick
Setting: Izaya's home, very late at night. He be slaving over work.
Warning: Hot man sex. Or something.

Who knew Orihara wore glasses )

d'awwwwwhat, office!sex, hot man sex or something, & thetrollprince, & suckmylipstick, all the glasses, no self control

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thetrollprince July 18 2011, 22:45:17 UTC
[Izaya hears Hajime walk into the doorway of his office but doesn't acknowledge him. His fingers are moving frantically over his keyboard, deep in his outline, when Hajime comes up behind him. The touch startles Izaya- even if he had heard the other man- but he doesn't show such a reaction.

He's really not used to this and isn't sure how to reply. Typically, he worked well through a night. His sleep schedule was strange but he never seems to be affected by it. He puts a hand briefly on Hajime's arm before he lets it drop. It was a brief image of affection but.]

I have work to do, Haji-chan~.

[He doesn't sound particularly tired. He spins around in his chair after saving his work and looks up at Hajime. He rubs a hand up under his glasses before he drops it back into his lap.]

Did someone get looonely without me? Tch, I knew it, you're in love~! [He laughs, sinking low into his chair and stretches his legs out so one purposefully kicks against Hajime's calve. He rests his head into one of his hands and sighs.]

Haji-chan. You don't really like me at all, do you? [A smile.]

As a matter of fact, you resent me, don't you?[A wider smile.]

I don't think you even look forward to sex with me until we're three seconds from doing it, nn?


suckmylipstick July 19 2011, 00:42:54 UTC
Work can wait. It's only a few hours before sunrise. You need adequate rest if you're going to perform at your peak.

[Unlike certain others, somebody needs his beauty sleep and requires a certain body to do so. The chair swivels around and-- He blinks. Once. Twice. Izaya wearing glasses was not bad. Say what he might about the man himself, he worked the look quite well. They made him look more professional, sharper. Hajime actually loses his train of thought for a second.

He hisses from the kick and his thought kicks right back. Yes, of course. It may not be love but he wanted whatever the "us" was to be as smooth as possible. Affection didn't harm his intentions, including but not limited to pecks on the head or sleeping together. He frowns because it's like Izaya truly doesn't understand him and that rift will always exist. Either that or Izaya just doesn't care. Neither please Hajime.]

What I don't approve of is meaningless sex.

[He sighs and runs a hand through his hair. He won't deny that he likes doing things of the sexual nature, and that was how he referred to what they did as of late, with Izaya but as a person... No, he still didn't like Izaya any better. He wanted to and he was trying but his feelings hadn't changed yet.]

It's too late for this. Shut it off.


thetrollprince July 19 2011, 00:49:22 UTC
[It's very, very, very faint, but there's the slightest look of irritation that flashes over Izaya's expression before it relaxes into his usual grin.]

Of course.

[He turns his chair around and stares intently at the screen.]

Hajime, I'm busy. Please leave me alone.

[He sighs quietly and begins to type again. He won't think about it. It does sort of..No. He wasn't going to think about it. Not even worth the effort.]

I don't understand why we can't break up if all you're going to do is dislike me. I'm giving you permission to say you tried your best but failed because you simply can't bring yourself to like someone like me. So why don't you leave already?

[Why yes, that is annoyance in his voice. For once. But it's not over something Hajime might suspect.]

I'm fine enough with other people hating me but if I have to date someone, it would at least be...ah...refreshing if they somewhat wanted to be around me. I'm surely not that unbearable, am I?

[It's an honest question and he turns around in his chair and deadpans a stare at Hajime.]


suckmylipstick July 19 2011, 01:48:36 UTC
[Why did Izaya have to be so stubborn sometimes? He hangs on the back of the chair and slowly massages the muscles tucked under Izaya's chin and jaw. He won't lie and reassure Izaya that everything is going to be okay because quite frankly, it's not. He hates to admit it but he's getting familiar with Izaya's way, especially his body. There's everything except that emotional bond.

He's not about to get into his need for emotional support. He is the only one putting an effort and he doesn't like that. It wasn't a one way street. He hadn't failed, he wouldn't fail, and he wasn't leaving when he'd come this far. His feelings were simple but complex and a little different than hate. But for now, all he wanted was to return to bed. He works his hands up to the cheeks.]

I can't sleep.

[His hands wander higher and pause at the glasses. These were quite a nice addition.]

Hurry up.

[He continues massaging, up the forehead, along the scalp... His hands end up resting back near the glasses. He hoped Izaya could connect the dots. Since there were only so many reasons Hajime couldn't sleep and would need Izaya in bed. He wasn't about to say I need you even if it would solve all his problems at hand.

He takes a step back when Izaya faces him again. Hajime grimaces right back. He doesn't like to rely on others and his dependency is starting to manifest.]

Are you done now?


thetrollprince July 19 2011, 01:59:13 UTC
[Izaya can't deny how nice Hajime's soft hands feel against his face. They're massaging muscles and places that are so rarely treated to that Izaya submits to the touches.

If Hajime doesn't wish to talk about it then fine. Really, he's screwing himself over. Izaya is trying to say something, ask for something, but that's clearly not working and he's going to give up. What does it matter anyway? He doesn't need anyone to like him. He doesn't need a boyfriend who likes him. He'd go on loving humanity like before and Hajime would only be a singular component based on his physical pleasure.

That's it. Screw the rest to hell.]

I suppose I can finish up here. [He smirks.] But why do we have to go to bed?

[He adjusts his glasses and stands up from his chair. He sits instead on the edge of his desk and reaches out to Hajime to pull him towards him by the front of his shirt. Once he is near enough, Izaya is very blunt about wrapping his legs around Hajime's waist and pulling him directly against the desk. He tilts his head.]

Is Haji-chan restless tonight?

[He adjusts his glasses but then moves to take them off- after all, he doesn't want them to get in the way...]


suckmylipstick July 19 2011, 02:09:51 UTC
[The kettle says to the pot, if you want something, you should ask for it outright.]

I'm not going to sleep in here.

[He says so bluntly, unable to follow until Izaya jerks him close. He considers whether he should refuse as usual or play along. The only reason the latter is an option at all is because those glasses really look quite nice. He slaps Izaya's hand away and slides the glasses back up the bridge of his nose without commentary on his actions.]

Is this all you think about?


thetrollprince July 19 2011, 02:15:12 UTC
[Puhlease, they are totally both at fault here with that one.]

No, you're not. Don't be naive now. It's not cute.

[Not that Izaya really thinks anything outside of puppies and kittens are cute but you know. When Hajime refuses to let him take off his glasses- it doesn't take Izaya long at all to figure out why.

Ah. He'll be wearing these more.]

Not in the slightest. I have little interest in sex. But isn't that what you wanted? I am simply trying to appease my boyfriend. Should I be held responsible for that?

[He threads his fingers together against the back of Hajime's neck and leans in to kiss him on the mouth.]

C'mon now. [He kisses his cheek and then his forehead.]

I've been working all night. I could use with some stretching.


suckmylipstick July 19 2011, 03:30:27 UTC
[Oh. Oh. On a desk. That's new. At least the car had a leather interior. This desk is, first of all, hard and, second, extremely cold. But he is slightly less concerned with that and more concerned with the properly bespeckled Izaya in front of him who is very much warm and heating up that spot he's seated on.

He kisses back a little more roughly than he usually does. He hesitates, realizing that Izaya used "boyfriend", but then continues. It was probably a slip up. Or a ploy. Izaya didn't mean it. It's about when Izaya starts kissing the rest of his face that he realizes just how turned on he is. But God damn it, why? They are just glasses.]

I want to right now.

[He impatiently tugs at Izaya's clothes. You know what? Not enough time for this. He slides his hand beneath Izaya's shirt and finds he likes how it insulates the heat. He runs it up to a nipple and pinches it, rubs it between his fingers. He's practically groping Izaya when he pulls him by the hair and mashes their mouths together. He only kisses dryly but he's oddly determined and keeps his eyes open the entire time. He really doesn't want to pull away and hangs onto Izaya's bottom lip before releasing it. Another deep breath and control yourself. His hand remains settled on the chest. He breathes heavily. Hey, he acknowledged that he, Hajime Tounomine, wanted to have sex with this man. And better yet:]

We're not three seconds into it.

[His earlier point proven. This is not meaningless. This is very...sensual.]


thetrollprince July 19 2011, 13:18:45 UTC
[Yes. Right here. Izaya tilts his head and straightens his posture. He threads his fingers through the back of Hajime's head and admires, for a moment, how soft his hair is. He has to laugh into Hajime's mouth at his partner's obvious display of want. He's always found men to be very amusing when they craved sexuality.

He hikes his knees up until they're almost below Hajime's arms and leans back onto his hands to get comfortable.]

Well I would hope so, Haji-chan. I'm very in the mood tonight. I can almost feel an ache~! Heh.

[He's about to tell Hajime to forget it when it seems as though the other had similar plans. He squints an eye shut and gasps quietly at the touch of his nipple.] Ah-hh--[A surprised sound as they kiss and he exhales into Hajime's mouth. He reaches a hand down between them and slides his hand over the front of Hajime's pants and feels him through the material. He begins to slide his hand slowly up and down, excited at the idea of having him inside of him yet again.

The last kiss sparks his attention even further and he feels way too hot for clothes but yet he can't bring himself to rid of them.]

No, I suppose we're not. [Fair game but Izaya glares anyway.]

Why don't you touch me, huh? [He slides off the desk so their bodies grind together slowly. He turns around and promptly bends over without warning, sliding his ass right into Hajime's lap. He rotates his hips and looks over his shoulder.] Nnn? I've always wanted to be screwed over the edge of something. Unless you had something better in mind.

[He shifts his hips again, his smirk widening into something devilish and practically inhuman.] You should feel me up though. I liiiike when Haji-chan puts his hands on me. [He slides his upper body against the desk until he's fully laying on it, cheek rested against the wood as well and his eyes shut with bliss over the idea.] Hehehaha..haha..[And one of his giggle fits- you're welcome.]


suckmylipstick July 19 2011, 23:03:22 UTC
[Izaya wastes no time with feeling him up and Hajime doesn't see why he shouldn't tilt his hips into the hand. It's almost teasing how he can feel the warmth of his fingers but not their actual touch. And it's so slow, he finds himself brushing up and down to start some momentum. He realizes just how perfectly Izaya's palm cups against him and wonders why it is Izaya hadn't bothered to give him a handjob before.]

You should have come to me.

[Somewhere, Hajime is flattered to be desired. He feels too good to consider why if Izaya wanted him so badly, he didn't just seize him like all the other times. He bends into Izaya's body to keep kissing him, even as Izaya slides off the desk. His hand falls down from his chest and settles high on his waist, still under the shirt. He grinds his body hard against Izaya's, almost willing to do anything commanded of him as long as Izaya doesn't skip off somewhere else and leave him with this insatiable craving.

He doesn't expect Izaya to turn around so soon but damn, Hajime wishes he would have done so sooner. He pivots against the backside in dry humping motions. The way Izaya looks at him over his shoulder, the light of the screens reflect off of them and Hajime has to bite his bottom lip not to whimper or jerk into him. He can see a sliver of skin from where the shirt falls and even that seems erotic to him. He places both hands on that teasing area and slips them to the front, slithering down to cup Izaya's bulge and rub it.

Vaguely he thinks this is going too fast for him. There was no foreplay. Hajime wanted a deep kiss with steady eye contact, not that earlier shallow, hungry smacking of their lips. But he just wants Izaya so much. Izaya has no idea how his prompts enflame Hajime right now. He just wants to hear more of it in that voice that sounds more seductive than usual.]

Say you like it again.

[The laughing sets him off and Hajime halts to a complete stop. He clenches his eyes shut and tries not to lose the slow groove he built up. He squeezes Izaya's arousal too tightly to be pleasant, hoping it will shut him up. Meanwhile he siddles his chin into the crevice between the jaw and ear and his tone sounds strict.]



thetrollprince July 19 2011, 23:27:05 UTC
Perhaps...But nnn, I don't want to seem desperate!

[Izaya tries to stiffle his laughter- especially by putting his own fingers into his mouth but it doesn't work. Hajime's blatant display of desire humors Izaya somewhat. He wonders what it must feel like to have such truly carnal desires that one can not control so much as to have to resort in humping.

Izaya shifts his hips up and down because he could definitely get used to this position.]

I like it. Although I wish Haji-chan would handle me more like a man.

[It's cute and all for Hajime to be gentle but Izaya is not a gentle creature by nature. He's rough as fuck around the edges, lithe and small body or not. He gets street signs hurled at him constantly- he's not going to wilt easily under kindness.

And then he's being squeezed a little harder and he wants to cut Hajime's hand off for thinking that's okay. His laughter dribbles off and he turns his head around sharply and suddenly.]

Don't speak to me like that Hajime.

[A smile.]

Not in my home. Hn? Now stop it- that's not sexy even remotely. [He slaps the hand on his cock to probe Hajime to let go a little. He wiggles ridiculously and inches over to the short side of his desk so that he's away from Hajime and back in front of his computer.

Don't worry, he's still in the mood. He unbuckles his jeans and shimmies his hips until they slide down and off of him to his knees. He snaps his briefs and pulls those down as well- revealing himself entirely. He looks over his shoulders and spreads his legs apart as much as he can without having to take his pants off.]

Haji-...[The murmur of words is obvious as to what he wants.]


suckmylipstick July 20 2011, 00:30:27 UTC
[Hajime snorts a little. A desperate Izaya... He'd like to see that, honestly. For now he makes do with Izaya responding just how he wants. He smirks a little at Izaya's voice and the praise earns him a warm tingle throughout his entire body. He fondles Izaya just a little bit rougher as if a reward.]

What do you like?

[But what follows makes Hajime want to stop. He doesn't, more like he can't. He has never once thought of Izaya as a woman, even when entering him. Izaya is lithe and hard like a man. He isn't soft, he's beautiful in a way Hajime can't quite describe, he doesn't like sweet things and Hajime recognizes all of that. He can't believe Izaya would accuse him of ever handling him anything less than a man. His gentleness was a sign of his affections. Thinking anything other than that greatly insults him.

Add Izaya's snipe and Hajime actually regrets squeezing him. He thinks about apologizing but no. No, he can't do that. He could be cold and violent with anybody else but he really did want Izaya to enjoy this as much as he did. And right now, he suspected that was the case because Hajime didn't enjoy it at all, seeing his partner snap at his touch. He pulls his hands away and awkwardly fists them by his side. He never noticed how cold it was until he let Izaya slip away. It feels like everything he thought was perfect is completely wrong, the feeling he hates most.]

I won't touch you like that again.

[That's an apology in Hajime's manual. He assumes Izaya is through with him for tonight and takes two steps backwards. The way Izaya eagerly moves away from him only shows how Izaya didn't want to be around him, he thinks. And he's nearly hurt. Rather hurt. He couldn't measure it but the hurt is there. And even if he can't pry his eyes away from Izaya stripping and with his body practically offered up like a sacrifice, Hajime can't forgive himself for acting so brashly.]

You still want to continue...?

[He clenches his eyes shut and hates that he asked. This was Izaya he was dealing with. And now he'd probably only be ridiculed for questioning.

His regret and desire weigh down in his chest. Izaya's voice tips desire over the edge. Hajime mounts him but tugs at the articles binding his knees together just for demonstration. The thought of keeping his clothes on hadn't occured to him.]

Take it off.


thetrollprince July 20 2011, 00:42:32 UTC
Thank you. [Izaya can smell out an apology when given and for once his appreciation spoken is rather genuine. After all, Izaya is only man and no man likes their genitals to be squeezed uncomfortably hard like that. It's pretty personal and Izaya needs to sit Hajime down to lecture him about injuring his pelvic area because this isn't the first time.]

Of course, Hajime. [Also a genuine tone of voice. He won't get any ridicule. There's no need to stop simply because Hajime hurt him a little in a non-sexy way. That's not a big deal to Izaya and now that he's gotten himself worked up, he really does want to get fucked over his desk.]

Ah there's a good boy.

[He likes it when Hajime shows his hungry side. It's attractive.]

Nya~ Haji- no! Part of how hot this is going to be will be from the fact that we're still wearing clothes. You can get naked if you want but I'll stay as I am. It's supposed to be a kink for a lot of people. I can see the appeal.

So don't waste time. C'mon, hn? Here...

[He reaches behind him to grab one of Hajime's arms and yanks it forward so that he can bring his hand up to his mouth. He envelopes his fingers into his mouth and starts to lather them with his tongue. He opens one eye and notices that the chat had moved considerably. Oh, how interesting. He releases Hajime's wrist though keeps suckling adamantly on his fingers before he reaches out and begins to type onto his computer. This could be fun. He always loved rumors. He feeds into them properly, grinding his teeth gently against Hajime's fingers.]


suckmylipstick July 20 2011, 02:40:06 UTC
[Hajime looks down and, well, he sees how a little bit of bare skin can be more enticing than complete nudity. It's like the skin that is shown is a feast while that which is clothed is off limits. What a ridiculous thought, so he thinks as he exposes the minimum amount of skin. The only reason he keeps his clothes on is because it seems Izaya really wants to keep them on. He'd rather hear it straight from Izaya what he wants, he rather liked that, but he won't press it when his mouth is occupied.

What he doesn't like is how Izaya can so easily distract himself with the keyboard. He twists his fingers around Izaya's tongue, pressing them in deeper into the cavern of his mouth. His free hand settles on Izaya's scalp and presses it further onto his fingers.]

Stop playing with that.

[It irritates him. He certainly notices Izaya clamping his mouth on his fingers and pushes back just as roughly, if not rougher. He slides his fingers against the tongue with an annoyed coarseness.]

You're wetting my fingers so I can enter you with them. Are you writing about that?


thetrollprince July 20 2011, 13:35:34 UTC
I'm not playing with it. I'm investing time into valuable gossip-.

[Don't you know anything, Hajime? He slurps noisily over his fingers as if to say, 'Shut up, I'm still sucking on you, aren't I?' He ignores the feeling of the fingers rubbing against him rougher and finishes his last statement.]

No. I'm writing about- ah you wouldn't understand. I'd have to show you this entire chat log. Hold on.

[He removes Hajime's hand from his mouth- slowly sucking on it the whole while (because yes he can multitask) and quickly documents the chat log and saves it away for later. Hajime wouldn't understand how important it is for Izaya. Once he does that, he folds his arms together and looks over his shoulder at Hajime.]

You have my full attention.


suckmylipstick July 20 2011, 16:17:52 UTC
[Hajime fed into gossip. It was something he liked but denied. He's not too rattled by the fact Izaya likes it but why must it be now? Izaya was truly finding all of Hajime's buttons and pressing them one by one tonight.

He whips the hand back once it's completely wet and wedges it between Izaya's cheeks. From the lack of sleep, his annoyance, and Izaya's little comments, the limit to his patience was fastly approaching. He knew he was easily provoked and made an effort to be gentle when he knew he was straying from his ideals, but it was getting to the point where he just didn't care.

He wedges his finger right in, moving it immediately upon insertion, and doesn't wait long before adding the second one.]

You've become used to such a thing now.

[And it makes him smirk, knowing he made Izaya that way and that he would be the only to ever see Izaya like this, at least for the time being. It really did piss him off to think that maybe one day Izaya would ditch him and replace him entirely. To him, Izaya wasn't insignificant so he didn't see why he had to be insignificant to Izaya. Because it wasn't some thought of getting fucked over a desk that turned Hajime on, it was Izaya specifically and it would always be Izaya specifically and even now, nothing but Izaya was on his mind and making him lose his cool.

Izaya just frustrates him so much. To want something truly and know he'll never achieve it... Maybe Izaya had surpassed his feelings for Masamune. In the far back of his desires, he wanted Izaya to type he was being taken by another man at this exact moment and type his name for all to see, just so that it would be known that this person belonged to Hajime Tounomine in some way. And maybe, maybe Izaya would be ashamed. Unless, of course, he talked about such perverted things in this chat of his as Hajime suspected. He simply hated how he was the only one who got worked up over his feelings in this...whatever it was. Izaya never felt anything, just his body. He forces his spare hand between Izaya's lips to keep him occupied lest another chatting incident occur.]

Suck this.

[He adds a third finger quickly and considers shoving his entire fist up there. That might be more work than what it's worth. He doesn't bother searching for Izaya's pleasure point. He will do that with his penis and when he does, he will make Izaya cry.]

Keep talking.


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