He nodded.

Jul 07, 2011 10:58

Who: clonezart & maskmastery
Setting: Schneizel's room late at night
Warnings: There will be no blueballing

[It's that time of night right before one retires to their room. After indulging himself in a hot bath and making sure to scrub everywhere, Mozart tiptoes into Schneizel's bedroom. He lets his robe fall to the ground right in front of the bed just before slipping between the sheets. He's not wearing anything underneath that robe, of course. Mozart ties his vaguely damp hair with a loose, black ribbon and lets the ponytail fall over a shoulder. He confidently angles his body in what he thinks is a seductive pose, propped up on one elbow and the other hand on his hip. Now for the hard part, waiting.]

i seriously posted it, teenbear strikes again, everywhere means everywhere, & maskmastery, come to me schneibby, attack of the bottoms, & clonezart

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