Mar 09, 2005 22:17
update. yayy.
odyssey day was a dismal failure. it turned into project runway marathon day. i love jay, and ive decided to stalk him.
haha, but i didnt even pick up a book/look on a website/add anything to my sad excuse for a half a page of intro. i am going to be the first person in seminar history to get an F. I will also be the first person ever to get a 0 on the SATs, because i havent even looked at a single practice question. whatever - its spring BREAK!
i also cleaned a little. i vacuumed, and did the dishes and cleaned my bathroom. but i used two different cleaners, one with clorox and one with ammonium (i didnt realize until after, they were both lysol so i thought they would be compatible) and i still have a lingering fumes headache. also, when i was doing the dishes, i was washing a knife, and i was about to put it in the drying rack, but i hit the faucet with my arm and the knife flew out of my hand and landed in the drying rack. awesome!
i am the queen of domesticity.
my birthday in 2 days. yay. i got into an argument with my mom about me not having my license. she was on the phone with someone, and she was like "oh, yeah, she turns 17 in 2 days can you believe it, blah blah blah, and then she was like, yeah, and she still doesnt have her license ha ha.." looking back im sure it wasnt malicious or mean spirited or anything, just an off hand remark, but i got really mad and im just like, its not a fucking joke!! its because of you that i dont have if, etc. etc. etc. ( i didnt say fucking though). i definately over reaacted though. i totally fucked up my dont-take-tones-plan-so-i-can-go-see-built-to-spill-and-ben-folds-the-day-after plan. but, i dont think my mom got really mad at me, and she said if the weather is good i can drive to dickinson on friday. yayy.
im really thirsty. but im craving sprite. what to do, what to do?
i want to go see the shins in philly, but its on a weds. and i want to go see built to spill, but then ben folds is the day after. hopefully i can go to both!! oh man, how fucking awesome would that be. very fucking awesome. i also want to see bright eyes, but i dont know when they will be around here.
thats all for now, no one wants to hear my ramblings about what concerts i want to go to.
peace out, bitches and hoes