Shit, shit, shit...

Dec 10, 2002 04:23

Went to bed fairly early last night. Woke up about an hour and a half ago, throat throbbing, unable to swallow, hair soaked from sweat. I know the signs well. It has officially begun. My yearly battle with what starts out as mild cold/allergies, leads to a sinus infection, ultimately turning into strep throat and a bronchial infection. Every year I beg & beg for them to remove my tonsils, but no! Fucking doctors think that just because they graduated from med school & I didn't, they somehow how know more about this than I do. Quacks!
And, as I'm currently without health insurance, will now have to find some sort of low income health clinic to go to. Or, at the very least, some doctor in a back alley somewhere that will prescribe me antibiotics for a hand job & a smile.
Good thing I was going by WalMart before work today to get the soundtrack anyway. I will have to buy them out of Comtrex.
And here's another great thought; what is a person with no voice & a sore, swollen, pus-seeping throat supposed to do when her job requires that she be on the phone for 7 & a half hours a day?? Help.... Somebody bludgeon me, please. little, two little, three little idiots
four little, five little, six little idiots
seven little, eight little, nine little idiots
all dressed up to die...
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