Oct 17, 2005 21:04
What a let down.
Just came back from my fourth History on Film class, the one that's supposed to blow me away with all its insightful knowledge of the history of the world...and it fails to impress. The course deals with films made by directors who are pretty much more concerned with sending across a message of their own, one dealing with the political issues of their time, than actually depicting the era in which the film is taking place. For example, the Marie Antoinette film (1938) that we watched first is supposed to be dealing with political issues of the French Revolution, which it does - yet there's so much propaganda in there pertaining to the first world war, and what is leading to the second. Sound interesting?
Well it's NOT. I mean, as if four film about the exact same two year period of the French Revolution aren't enough, they also have to be horrible. I don't use that word lightly. The Lady and the Duke was probably the most painful three hours of my life. The film itself is made in an interesting way - all the outdoor scenes are actually paintings, so the actors are infront of a backdrop the whole time. They don't look real and aren't supposed to I guess, but its ok since it looks pretty cool. It's also interesting that the film only has two characters, and by interesting I mean awful. They're terribly annoying. If this sounds at all bratty, try watching the damn thing.
Not to mention that the lectures (which are four hours long, btw) offer completely uninteresting info on the directors, really pointless readings, and oh yes....after viewing a film, we never speak of it again. I don't see the point, really. Also, I'm just pissed that it doesnt cross-reference as a film course as well.
Tonight we watched Danton, starring the hilarious Mr. Depardieu. I say hilarious because in this movie, he's a complete sexual fiend who has really random moments of seriousness, often followed by smashing things. This film was actually not too bad, but I find that around 9ish, I get too tired to pay attention anymore.
And....bitching over. I hope I don't end up dropping this one.