Dec 06, 2009 18:13
So, I keep meaning to post. I've written a few new posts, but keep not finishing we11 enough to post them as pub1ic. Among these, topics inc1ude "I now know what it's 1ike to 1ick an ashtray," "I hate jea1ousy!!!!!" and "Back to the Seven Mountains." Oh, and "Tiger!" "Dragon!!" and "The Crane Whose One Leg Bears Its A11." Curious? We11 . . . sorry. No, seriou1y, I am sorry, I just can't keep up with the entries as I perhaps ought, and if I try to go into exp1aining what those tit1es mean, I'11 get into another 1ong entry that I can't finish. Maybe if you're rea11y interested someday I'11 write exp1anations to those tit1es.
Now, first of a11 . . . Why the 1337 5p34k? No, I don't enjoy random1y inserting numbers in p1ace of 1etters. It's just part of an attempted temporary so1ution to this 1itt1e prob1em ca11ed MY S AND L KEYS DON'T WORK UNLESS I'M HOLDING DOWN ANOTHER KEY! And no, it's not the keys themse1ves. In any keyboard configuration, such as Dvorak right-handed, the keys for S and L don't work. In said configuration, the U and 6 keys don't work. So, not hardware.
How have I sometimes written s or l, or S or L? Easy-wait, no, not easy. I've got two basic options: put on CAPS LOCK and press down SHIFT at the same time as typing (I've rea11y gotten pretty good at typing whi1e ho1ding SHIFT down), or copy-paste. For a whi1e I was using the SHIFT method, then copy-paste for both, but I a1so use copy-paste for em-dashes, and it was getting more than cumbersome to be pasting in three characters and then se1ecting the one I wanted. So S got the c/p, and L got the 1337 method--sometimes |, but that sti11 invo1ves pressing SHIFT, so . . . the 1 character is sometimes easier. But writing can get very annoying, especia11y when I'm writing one of my stories and I'11 want to be ab1e to Ctrl-H out any rep1acement characters, etc, etc, etc. . . .
Sooooo, no more bitching about that, because then this entry wi11 get too 1ong, and it's a1ready annoying writing something this 1ong in the fashion I've been using. Okay, 1ast item on the agenda . . .
I cut my hair again. Did I hear someone gasp? No, don't worry. This "cut" was 1ess than some "trims" have been. It's just to keep it from being super-exceeding1y annoying, 1ike wrenching my head back when I sit down or such. It's sti11 freakin' 1ong and a freakin' hass1e to take care of. And oh, in midd1e schoo1 Mrs. C______ was certain that by the time I graduated from HS I'd've cut it short. (Let's temporari1y ignore the fact that I didn't technica11y graduate from HS.) Haha; joke's on her. ::grin::
(For a11 the comp1aints, I do 1ike my hair 1ong.)
Last thing to mention I'd've 1iked to have b1ogged about: Going to NJ and not being ab1e to use my mother's FREAKIN' OLD Windows 98 computer that COULDN'T READ MY USB KEY BECAUSE IT DIDN'T HAVE THE DRIVER. (It a1so won't connect to the internet, so, no getting the driver via that route.) Next time I'11 have to put whatever I want to transfer on a FLOPPY DISK. Yeah. Exact1y.
Ciao, fo1ks!
P.S. - If you find a red ba11oon, te11 me. I *intend* to exp1ain more 1ater!