So the wedding is pushed back again, for anyone who hasn't heard. The Netherlands has decided to crack down on people getting married for whatever color equivalent of the green card is here. Thusly, after we submit all my immigration paperwork at our appointment on Thursday, THEN I get to wait 2 more months before we can even start the marriage paperwork, reserve city hall (no church marriages here, yay), etc. Since my parents refuse to travel during Nov and Dec and Jan/Feb is too nasty here, it will be March or later.
moonsail, please keep me informed of when your new date is so I avoid psychically picking the same time. Again. ;)
If anyone knows anyone who wants a ferret, mine is still back in the US looking for a home. There's only one now, the eldest having passed a couple days ago after a few weeks on heart medication for her old age.
Following my promise to share the oddities here, I shall talk about the movie-going experience in The Netherlands. Movies used to come out here months after the US, but due to piracy, they are usually here a week or two later now. Score one for piracy. When you buy your tickets, you get specific seat assignments. There is a bar in the lobby and you can take your drink into the theater. The walls block cell phones calls. All movies have intermissions and L.E.D signs in the lobby let you know how long before the intermission is over. Unless the movie is Dutch-made, they show it in English with Dutch subtitles.
All plusses, IMO. The only minus is the severe lack of salty popcorn. They don't eat much popcorn here at all, and at the theater they have more sweet popcorn available than salty. *tsk*
My care package list now consists of Sweettarts, microwave popcorn, Lubriderm, and dryer sheets. Amazon UK needs to expand its offerings. Yeah.