(no subject)

Jul 30, 2003 12:27

Lets see if the LJ ghods let me update today, unlike the last couple.

Poor Sparti is in to get repaired, so I'm driving a mean diesel powered Volvo in the meantime. If you drift through a cloud of black smoke on the road, that was probably me.

My trip to Seattle reminded me how much I miss the Northwest and furthered my resolve to buy a large chunk of land somewhere in western Washington or possibly northwestern Oregon when my tenure in this job is done. I should have my master's by then (paid for by UNM, booyah), so I really hope I have some sort of marketable skillz with which to be able to afford it.

Ugh. I just got a voice message from the lady taking care of my ferrets. I showed her husband how to do everything and told him that you have to scoop the litter once a day or else they'll start going in other corners of the cage. Well, I don't know where the miscommunication happened, but she called today to let me know that she doesn't know how to open the cage and thusly hasn't cleaned the box once in the last week. Sigh. That's gotta be attractive. I guess I should just be thankful that someone took them, but still...
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