Sep 11, 2006 06:49
I'm ME again!~ :D
But Miss Tiranox was nice and so was Miss Seras!~ ♥ So thanks, you two. :Db
Glad to be back at the mansion again.~ Tho', I was wonderin', anything interestin' go on when I wasn't here? Orrr was everyone away and stuff? D;
I also heard stuff that confused me..~
One bein' that Kingdom Hearts is apparently somethin' called a video game AND a door.~ :/b Which I don't THINK is true. D: But, uh, she said I was cute... ;/b And she was a nice lady, too, so maybe it is both.~
Andddd I was wonderin', Miss Simca, what kinda reward are you gonna give me? X3 Candy?!~~ ♥ :D I like chocolate the best! And those skittle things.~