Most of this is from memory, as I've lost the Word file and can't find what box the notebook's in. Only Kate will know wtf this is all about.
Deacon Hart
-lives in Florida. probably near a beach I don't remember.
-senior? I think we made them seniors.
-dad, younger twin brothers, always home.
-PLAYS SOCCER~~ total 'tard jock. but also total nice guy.
--Camden totally gets him to start calling it football after a while.
-got the book ... from the library? I think it was. he was looking for a book for a report, ew.
Camden Burke
-I think he was a senior too.
-latchkey child? don't remember. I think we said something about there being a bunch of sisters, though.
-booooks. he likes books. HE'S A FRUMPY LIBRARIAN TYPE AHAHAHA. /shot.
-got the book from his grandpa. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAMMY. WELCOME TO WONDERLAND!
-has a creeper ex-boyfriend. I don't know why I remember this. but I totally do. Deacon jacks him in the face after the fairytales end.
Fairy tales
-all set in the same world, so stories spread of a friendly knight rescuing a cranky princess.
-crossroads for fairytales.
-they get married in one of them. I REMEMBER THAT.
-some people in their real lives appear as characters in the stories.
--this would be kind of amazing/awkward/depressing for Deacon if his dead mom showed up. oops.
Alice in Wonderland
-Deacon crashlands on top of Camden when he enters, in a moment of gravity actually functioning.
-Camden gets kicked out of the Very Merry Unbirthday Party because it's actually his birthday.
--Deacon leaves and brings him tea because he feels bad.
-Cheshire Cat hits/creeps on Camden lol.
-Deacon has no idea how to play croquet. at all. he thinks they're playing Wonderland!putt putt.
-I forget most of this and am sort of annoyed that I can't find anything I wrote. uhm. OH! Tweedledee and Tweedledum are Deacon's brothers!
other fairy tales go here
Beauty and the Beast
-they're not Beauty and the Beast in this one, but instead Lumière and Cogsworth ;D
more fairy tales go here
Peter Pan
-last fairy tale FOR NOW ohoho~~
-no I'm not putting anything here yet.