xposted from magestry - the one true fantasy league

Dec 13, 2007 08:20

If you are super cool like me, you will travel at top speed to www.fantasycongress.com to register your name, join the League known as The Magestans, and participate in the Spring 2008 season of Fantasy Congress. If you need the password, let me know and I will send it to you.   there are 15 slots right now,  but if there is more demand I will increase that number.

What is Fantasy Congress, you ask?  It's the website that allows you to pick your favorite Senators and Representatives, pitting them against your pals and enemies in a race to see who can score the most points.  If for nothing else, appreciate the weirdness of this, and while you're at it, learn a little bit about representative democracy.

Dibs on Obama.
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