Challenges and Ficathons
Challenge #111 at
zacharyq_stills Winner banners for Challenge #110 at
zacharyq_stills Fanfic: gen
The Serpent Wears Armani by
thewatchmaker (Sylar, Arthur Petrelli | PG)
To Make A Girl by
amles80 (Mohinder | G)
Eighteen and Life by
thewatchmaker (Peter, Nathan | PG)
Swift Road to Nowhere by
jaune_chat (Daphne, Arthur Petrelli | PG)
Fanfic: het
Ever After by
quirkysmuse (Peter/Claire | PG-13)
The Moments to Forever (2/?) by
simply_aly (Sylar/Claire | PG)
Things That Never Were by
quirkysmuse (Edgar/Lydia | PG)
Fanfic: slash
Horizons (1/?) by
erimthar (Elle/Claire | R)
Afraid by
punk4life1315 (Sylar/Peter | PG-13)
Because I Wanted to by
punk4life1315 (Sylar/Peter | PG-13)
This Is What Heroes Are For by
adnawun (Sylar/Peter | NC-17)
It's Exactly What It Looks Like by
alexfoster451 (Claire/Gretchen | PG)
Fanfic: other
Double Trouble by
jaune_chat (Crossover with Leverage | Elle, Parker, Leverage team | PG)
4 icons in a multifandom post by
blaqkchief 20 Peter/Claire icons by
darkpalace Miscellaneous
1bill_sookie is
looking for fics set in the "I Am Become Death" universe You can reach us in the comments or at