Nov 04, 2008 23:37
[23:03:13] SeanKing64: Obama praised McCain to a crowd infinitely bigger than McCain's crowd. Not a single person booed.
[23:03:16] SeanKing64: THAT is what it's all about.
[23:03:43] nintfjr: McCain reaped what he sewed
[23:04:03] SeanKing64: Yes he did.
[23:04:12] nintfjr: That's what happens when you allow your campaign to appeal to the baseness of human nature
[23:04:22] nintfjr: The fact that Obama won has me deeply encouraged
[23:04:30] nintfjr: You know what it means?
[23:04:37] nintfjr: It means that those kind of people are a minority
[23:04:42] nintfjr: maybe a large minority
[23:04:44] nintfjr: but a minority
[23:05:13] nintfjr: Maybe a Roddenberry type future won't be too far away
[23:05:59] SeanKing64: A Roddenberry type future can happen.
[23:06:13] nintfjr: I've wanted to believe it for years
[23:06:16] nintfjr: this is proof it can happen
[23:06:31] nintfjr: People AREN'T cynical and bitter by nature!
[23:07:49] nintfjr: Sure, there's a healthy level of cynicism in me, but, I think tonight, there's considerably less, because what human nature seemed to be, what I believed it shouldn't be, turned out to not be the default nature of humanity
[23:07:59] SeanKing64: It's like the ending of Dark Knight!
[23:08:14] nintfjr: Yeah, it really is!
[23:15:16] nintfjr: You know, I think that this might be the beginning of the future.
[23:16:05] nintfjr: in the end of the day
[23:16:31] nintfjr: the kinds of people who are blindly prejudiced and ignorant didn't prevail
[23:16:43] xlifeinscrubsx: a dim one maybe >>
[23:17:25] nintfjr: Dim, perhaps
[23:17:50] nintfjr: But it can be nourished, and if we keep at it, the small dim ember can become a raging wildfire
[23:18:03] xlifeinscrubsx: that is true
barack obama,
election 08,
concession speech,
election day,