Sep 21, 2010 19:59

Also Lyra's opinions on said games!

Japanese names will be edited to English names as we learn them. The characters will be drawn in the same style as the real-world game unless specified.

Lyra really loves this game! It's one of her favorite RPGs. She played the fuck out of the DS port... though don't talk to her about the extra content or Chrono Cross. She can be a bit dumb about it.
-Most of the cats are cat Pokemon rather than... well... you know. Chrono's mother owns a Skitty, while Janus's cat Alfador is a shiny Choroneko.

Lyra realllly loves this series, up to and including Donkey Kong 64... she became a bit disenchanted with the series's direction after Rare left Nintendo for Microsoft, though. She's excited for the new one, though...!
The characters' species are as follows:
Donkey Kong: Darmanitan
Diddy Kong: Aipom
Cranky Kong: Primeape
Funky Kong: Infernape
Candy Kong: Hiyakki
Dixie Kong: Panpour
Kiddy Kong: An oversized Darumakka

Klaptrap: Sandile
Most generic Kremlings: Warubiru
King K. Rool: Warubiaru
Zingers: Beedrills
Gnawty: Bibarel

Rambi: Rhyhorn
Engarde: Gorebyss
Squawks: Chatot
Rattly: Ekans
Squitter: Denchura

CUTEST GAME EVER. She's played every game. Yes, even the Poyo Pop clone.
Differences are very minor.
-King Dedede has Delibird-esque white spiky eyebrows.
-Heavy Lobster looks more like a Crawdaunt.
-Dyna Blade has a color scheme closer to that of Wargle's, and her chicks are the same stylistically except they have Washibon's color scheme.

ONE OF LYRA'S FAVORITE SERIES. She has a crush on... not Link, but Ganondorf. Especially Wind Waker Ganondorf, who she kind of leatherpantses. She's a bit of a weird girl. She prefers the Wind Waker path to the Twilight Princess path, natch, and Wind Waker is her favorite game... though surprisingly, Majora's Mask is a close second. She says her favorite is Ocarina of Time for the street cred, though.
-Ganon's beast form resembles Emboar quite closely; in the older games he matches Emboar's color scheme, and in the newer games he has a fire beard along with the design that's closer to actual Zelda games.
-When Link is a child, Epona is a Ponyta; obviously, when Link is an adult, Epona is a Rapidash.
-Bunny!Link from LttP is a Tabunne. Wolf Link is an oddly colored Mightyena.
-The dogs in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask are Yorterri.
-Bombs have a distinct Voltorb-ish look to them, though they're not actually alive.
-Darmani from Majora's Mask has distinctly Darmanitan-esque eyebrows.

Lyra was intrigued by the wacky codec calls (and... erm... Solid Seviper himself) in Super Smash Brothers Brawl, so she managed to convince her mom to buy her a bargain bin copy of The Twin Sevipers and played that. ...then she barged into Ethan's house and convinced him to let her play the Playstation sequels on his PS2 so she wouldn't have to break her brand loyalty. Her favorite is Ekans Eater, and the fact that it's getting a 3DS remake... her body wasn't ready for it.
-Pokeverse!Metal Gear Solid is the same in terms of story save for a few changes-instead of nukes (which don't actually exist in the Pokemon universe), there are devices that are used to control Legendary Pokemon. Metal Gears are intended to augment the destruction caused by them, as well as to provoke them into anger or kill them if they break free of the devices' control and turn on the side that's using them.
-Also, since the game's intended to be more... "realistic..." than most of the other games on this list, Pokeverse military tactics are employed. While you do have guns and the famous cardboard box, a lot of the stealth involves utilizing the Pokemon you can capture throughout the course of the game-for example, in MGS2, Raiden catches a Lanturn that he eventually uses during the infamous EMMA IS AFRAID OF THE WATER BUT YOU MUST SWIM WITH HER TO SAFETY sequence.
-As you've probably noticed, some of the codenames are different! They are as follows:
Solid Snake: Solid Seviper
Liquid Snake: Liquid Seviper
Naked Snake: Naked Seviper
Decoy Octopus: Decoy Octillery
Vulcan Raven: Vulcan Honchkrow
Sniper Wolf: Sniper Mightyena
Psycho Mantis: Psycho Scizor
Revolver Ocelot: Revolver Leopardas
Dead Cell: Team Dead Cell
Cobra Unit: Team Arbok

Given that Pokemon has so many references to this series, it's only natural that Lyra would love it.
-Boney is a Haderia.
-Save frogs are save Poliwag.

-The mainline Pokemon games and Pokemon Ranger games don't exist, as that would be weird. However, the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games do, and while they aren't as successful as the mainline franchise is in the real world, they have quite the fan following.
With that said, Pokemon Mystery Dungeon is one of her favorite series. She's played through all of them so many times that she's lost track.

Lyra doesn't actually like this series as much, because of her SECRET SHAME... she's really, really bad at vehicular combat games. She never even managed to finish Star Fox 64. She likes it well enough, though she commits slight fandom heresy in that she preferred Star Fox Adventures to the rest.
-Fox has a smoother, more "bishounen" look and nine tails, indicating that he's, uh, a Ninetales.
-Instead of having a 'duckbutt' sort of hairstyle, Falco's... hair...? is swept back in a style that looks more like the feathers on a Swellow's head.
-Slippy has swirly cheeks, indicating that he's a Politoed.
-Peppy has blue fur instead of brown.
-Since Wolf is a Mightyena, he has a black 'mohawk' instead of a white one, and he has black eyebrows.
-Andrew and Andross are... well... scruffier, as they're a Mankey and a Primape respectively.
-Pigma is a Grumpig.

SHE HATES THIS SERIES AND THINKS IT SHOULD oh who am I kidding. Look at who she's dressed as. She endlessly sparkles for this series.
-Koopas have blue skin rather than yellow, and Paratroopas have winged ears rather than winged shells.
-Bowser looks almost exactly the same-the only difference is that he has Blastoise-esque cannons in his shell that act as flamethrowers along with his flame breath. This is only utilized in newer games, though.
-Goombas have more Shroomish-esque expressions.

SO. MUCH. ~*~LOVE~*~.
-Again, as the mainline Pokemon games don't exist, the series doesn't have the same Pokemon that show up in the real world series. Instead, the Pokemon are from the Mystery Dungeon games. They are:
-Pikachu as the Player Character standin
-Chatot as an Assist Trophy
-Celebi as an Assist Trophy
-Wigglytuff's Guild replaces Pokemon Stadium.
-Temporal Tower replaces Spear Pillar.
-Pokeballs remain, though. They're in the same sort of category as fans in that they're not associated with a particular game series but are considered a universal weapon.
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