phle wrote in
Jul 07, 2011 16:22
I'm playing Final Fantasy 3 these days and I would like to do the side quest stuff with Mognet. I realized you need friends to do this so, I need to get some friend codes. If anyone else have interest in doing this it would be really great if we could be friends. Comment if you are interested and I'll give you my friend code.
final fantasy 3
shus_songbook wrote in
Aug 14, 2009 17:06
Hi everyone!
Trying to do the side quest stuff with MogNet done in FF3. Mostly the Onion Knight. Can anyone help me out? I know I got to get some friend codes, but I dont know how many or if I got to send the messages or what.
Can you explain exactly how to get Onion Knight, and share their friend codes? I can also send you mine if your willing.
final fantasy 3