Postin' drunk again!

Aug 29, 2010 02:52

Har-har, I love my little habit of making LJ entries while drunk.

Firstly, Icelandic music is awesome. Like, seriously. I kind of want to put Pornopop's 'My Bed=My Gravity' on endless loop right now. Cosmic Call's 'Owls' is really good, too.

Not Icelandic, but Paper Route's 'Gutter' is kinda blowin' my mind right now, also. "Please, warm the blood inside my veins."

Secondly, the big-to-do about the anonmeme's 200th part is making me sad. I was looking through some of my bookmarked threads, and I miss long discussions about headcanon and 'ships and stuff. Meme goes to fast to try and start any. And now it's going slow and I can't think of any thing specific to talk about.

I kinda wish I had someone on my f-list who doesn't write fanfic at all, but has ideas. We could have convos about the fics we'll never write without feeling guilty. It'd be awesome. Like, my factory AU idea. Or the one where Finland drunkenly tries to have text-sex with Sweden, only to find out the next day that wasn't Sweden. It wasn't even Finland's phone. Oopsie. (Wait, maybe I'll try to write that. I doubt it, but maybe.)

You know what's awesome? Firefox's spell-check, that's what. XD

music, drunk, anonmeme, aph

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