Feb 18, 2010 12:33
Hello! How is everyone? Forum looks like a barren wasteland. Sad, really. I'd post, but I'm always in hurry to do what I have to do on the 'net. I really should go up to the library more often, but I find it really annoying to try and do anything with the stupid thing constantly reminding me how much time I have left.
So, just got back to work after 7 weeks off. Hernia surgery. Fun stuff. It's embarrassing how lazy I was the whole time. Really, all I did was play the Sims. Shame on me. I did try several times to GIMP up something pretty, but I found it impossible without being able to hop on dA and look for brushes and whatnot. I did color one VK pic. The main character. Go fig. Who knows when I'll ever bother to post it up. Does anyone even read that anymore?
Let's see...what else did I do? I tried twice to write the handwritten letter I promised a certain someone, but I seem incapable of avoiding net-speak and smilies, which is just awkward in a REAL letter. I have apparently forgotten proper English. Also, my handwriting sucks hardcore. Seriously.
I also read quite a bit. Fascinating stuff on the Black Plague, the WWII Eastern Front, and the French Revolution. I know my Freelance friends are probably wondering when I became so boring. XD
i am boring