My journal is now completely friends-only. I am sorry I had to do it, but I have certain reasons to do it. I know some of you don't have a journal on here and I don't mind that you read it, but there are some people that I do not want at all reading my journal.
Well, if you want to read my journal and are a LiveJournal user, then leave a message and I will add you back when I get a chance. Otherwise go to
my other journal for my posts.
If you were removed it was because:
You haven't updated in a long time.
You changed journals and you haven't deleted your friends off of your old one.
We don't communicate much anymore or I just don't read your journal.
I really don't like to delete people but it happens. But if you want back on my friends list, just leave me a message and I will add you back. No questions asked. ^_^