30 Days Eito Challenge, 1st Battle!!

Jan 05, 2012 19:44

30 Days Eito Challenge, 1st Battle!!

Day 1. My first bias was Nishikido Ryo. Cliche, yes.
Secara pertama kali 'nemu' Eito gara2 liat mereka perform Naniwa Iroha Bushi di Johnny's Countdown 09/10 via Youtube. Dari performance yg sambil gelantungan di depan big screen-nya Kyocera, kostum motif macan, & buffer Youtube yg macet2-an itu.. akhirnya cuma tampang-nya si abang yg bisa kukenali.. xD

Day 2. The first song I heard was Naniwa Iroha Bushi, their debut single.
Kesan pertama dengar lagu ini adalah "he? vokalis-nya bindeng amat ya? koq kayak nyinden gini ya?". Dan sampe sekarang masih berkeyakinan kalo bagian "haa enya korase no dokkoise~" itu adalah rapalan mantra. xDD

Day 3. My favorite cover song is Saito Kazuyoshi's Uta Utai no Ballad by Ryo-chan feat. Saito-san himself, in SCP August 2010. Singkat kata, Ryo-chan + gitar bolong + lagu ballad = LOVE

Day 4. My first impression of the group was.. -_-"  Hahahahaha~
Kesan pertama:
1. Mbuanyol
2. No fashion sense
3. Vokal utama-nya aneh
4. Koq yg keren cuma Ryo-chan?
5. Anggota-nya banyak amat ya? (beberapa bulan kemudian kaget liat HSJ yg lebih banyak lagi)
Yaaah.. gimana lagi klo yg pertama kali ditamatin itu nonton pv Zukkoke Otokomichi.. :P

Day 5. One member I’d want as my brother is Shota!! Coz little brother Shota is cute, fluffy, & hugable ? (emang'e boneka?). Sebenernya pengen kakak cowok.. tp klo kakak cowok'e model Eito gitu.. malu-maluin deh.. :P

Day 6. One sentence I’d like to say to each member..
Yoko: Itu rambut beneran mau di-blonde-in?
Shibu: ... Dunno what to say.. *failed*
Hina: Itu J-web gak ada topik lain apa selain bola?
Maru: Take care Ryo-chan for me.. xDD
Shota: Boleh peluk? xDD
Ryo: Dirimu bukanlah Jastin Bibir, jadi buanglah itu topi.
Tacchon: Traktir sate dong!!

Day 7. The member I'm most like is.. Hmm, kayaknya sih Ryo-chan.
Like I once said, casing-nya kalem tapi isinya.. begajulan. :3

Day 8. Rank them from 1 to 7 (1 being the best) when it comes to singing.
1. Shibu. He knows his best & how to maximize it.
2. Tacchon. IMO, his vocal is the most stable in Eito. Dan Tacchon termasuk segelintir Johnny's yg bersuara berat.. :3
3. Ryo-chan. Enak buat ballad nih, tp kadang2 mekso pas nada2 tinggi. Latihan lagi ya bang!
4/5. Yasu & Maru. Duo harmonizer, hehehehe..
6. Yoko. Kalo lagi bener & niat vokalnya Yoko sebenernya lumayan koq, meskipun kadang2 kayak keselek gitu.. :P
7. Hina. Dari beberapa solo/unit song-nya Hina, aq cuma betah denger You Can See (Puzzle) & Dear (8Uppers)

Day 9. Rank them from 1 to 7 (1 being the best) when it comes to dancing. *wah, rempong ini..*
1. Ryo-chan. Soalnya pas di NEWS masih sering nge-dance, at least jam terbang lumayan dibanding yg lain.
2. Yasu. Mostly karena Yasu yg paling semangat, & wajh tetap ekspresif.
3/4. Tacchon/Maru. Kalo 2 orang ini yg pasti lebih mending daripada no.5, 6, & 7 (argumen macam apa ini..)
5. Shibu. Luwes-nya sih standar, tp blank expression-nya itu.. :|
6. Hina. Gak seluwes kalo nabokin orang..
7. Yoko. Udah mulai pikun, sering lupa & timing-nya keteteran..

Day 10. Rank them from 1 to 7 (1 being the best) when it comes to hotness.
1. Ryo-chan. Namanya juga Sexy Osaka Man.. :3
2. Tacchon.
3. Yoko. Mischievous man's always hot. :P
4. Maru.
5. Hina.
6. Shibu.
7. Yasu.

Day 11. My favorite lyrics from one of their songs is Ryo-chan's Scarecrow lyrics.
Mostly bcoz of the title analogy and this one, "katachi ni nokoranai mono no hou ga, kioku ni nokoru tte". You were the one who said, things without shape stay longer in your memories.

Day 12. My favorite music video is Fight for the Eight. Hahahahahaha~
Soalnya beda dari yang sebelum2-nya & dari tipikal video-nya boysband sih.. :Db

Day 13. My favorite commercial with them.. ya apalagi.. MITEHENNDEEEEEE!!
Cuma Eito yg bisa bawa nyokap kemana-mana.. :P

Day 14. The member I’d like to share a room with is.. eeeem.. *mikir* eeemm.. Ryo-chan.
Dia kan hobi masak yang enak2, lumayan makan grateees.. :P

Day 15. The member you’d like to be neighbours with is Shibutani Subaru!
Pengen nggosip & ber-kyaakyaaa bareng Taeko-mama, hihihihihi.. :DD

Day 16. The member you’d like to have as your best friend is Yokoyama Yu or Shibutani Subaru.
Pengen denger curhatannya mereka.. *mental tempat curhat* :D

Day 17. My favorite friendship/pairing is Yasuba!
Relationship-nya 2 orang ini dalem banget.. :D

Day 18. My favorite friendship/ pairing between a member and someone not in Eito is Maru/Shige.
Lagi sering kongkow bareng nih, ngobrolin apaan yak ni orang2..

Day 19. My favorite group picture..

*the moment you scream their name with so much proud*

Day 20. My favorite macro.. HINA'S ABS BRINGS ALL GIRLS TO THE YARD.

Day 21. My favorite GIF and/or SWF.. the Nishiki dance!

Day 22. A post to Kura..
Dear Tacchon, Tatsu, Hotel-kun, Tori, Bonkura. I miss your holey smile.. T_T
Btw, katanya pengen ikutan kursus masak bersertifikat, jadi? Siap2 ambil alih usaha warung sate ya? Tapi teteup ngartis dong ya, hahahaha.. Yah, whatever you'll do semoga sukses selalu deh. Tetap sehat, tetap semangat, supaya tetap bisa jalan-jalan, dan makan-makan!! *pinjem tagline-nya Pak Bondan*  VIVA TACCHON, VIVA VIVA TACCHON!!

Day 23. A post to Yasu..
Thanks for smashing every gender stereotype by being yourself and proud of it. Keep the flowers blossom in your head, little bro.. :Db

Day 24. A post to Maru..
Maru-chan.. You're one of a few super cheerful, sweet, kind, and nice people which your bubbly happy self never make me cringe or scowl. *yes, I'm a cynic* You were born just to be a sweet guy, right? Stay as you are, Maru-chan.. Someday we'll gonna PAAAANN-ing together.. :Dv
PS: koq bisa kemaren kesrimpet di tangga pas opening MSSL, tp gpp kan?

Day 25. A post to Ryo..
"Bang.. Situ ngapain sih niru2 si Jastin Bibir? Sudahlah bang, buang itu topi kebalik. Gak perlu sok Amrik deh, gak pantes.." *dilempar dari taksi*   xDD

Day 26. A post to Hina..
Dear Gorila.. Dirimu Milanisti yak? Kemana2 pake jersey-nya AC Milan mulu' deh. Kapan2 kita nonton bareng di San Siro yak! Hahahahaha.. Oiya, tolong ya itu entomophobia-nya di-terapi gitu. Jaga harga diri sebagai gorila lah..  xDD   *ditabok Hina*

Day 27. A post to Baru..
Dear Shibu.. Please tell Taeko-mama I said happy belated birthday and thanked her for buying you from that gacha-gacha machine. Also tell her that someday I hope we can fangirling over Yasu together.  xDD

Day 28. A post to Yoko..
Dear Yuuchin.. What's this response "I'm 30 y.o you know.." when people say that you're cool & good looking. Stop underestimate yourself, Yoko. You're a Johnny's, that's already saying everything. :Db   Oh, and I miss your dokkiri. Just don't be too overboard or Tacchon will cry his eyes out.  xDD

Day 29. I love Eito because they're just plain honest (and even blunt sometimes) to themselves, their fans, and others. No pretense. And also because as idols who do music, they're musically responsible enough to it. (I'm just sick of - idol isn't just about singing/music/acting - alibi when they failed doing something :| )

Day 30. Eito songs for 1st time listener.. BJ and Puzzle.
Why? Personal experience, hehehehehe~
PS: Huaaaa, selese jg sodara2!! Tararengkyu atas parsitipasi-nya!! xDD

Originally posted in my FB during Dec 1-30, 2011.

PS: been doing the 2nd Battle now!!

fandom: kanjani8

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