Feb 16, 2009 21:20
Do I only attract crazies?
So I met this guy about two weeks ago. He asked me out on a date and I said yes. He's cute, interesting, why not? So we decided to meet the next Saturday for a drink.
That's what it started.
The entire following week he kept on texting me. Constantly. Asking me what I was doing, how I was doing, where I was doing it and what I was going to do afterwards. Was I asleep already? How was my day? Et cetera, et cetera.
His well meant attention was literally driving me crazy and on the Saturday morning of the date I canceled, not fully lying when I said I had a birthday party that evening.
His short three word reply didn´t sound too happy and it was the last thing I heard of him.
Until last Friday, one week later.
I was visiting Carl and my mum and there was plenty of cheese and wine to make it a late night. At 4.30 am my phone rang and it was him. Wtf? I didn´t answer, but some minutes later I felt like letting him know that him bothering me in the middle of the night was not something I appreciated. I decided to send him a short text message, simply stating that I was sleeping. Within twenty seconds he replied: "Bummer."
I didn't reply but fifteen minutes later I got another message, asking me if I wanted him to join me in bed. Again, WHAT?!
Needless to say, I didn't reply to this either. Figured it would get the message across clearly enough.
Then, Saturday night I was out, dancing my arse off, and I get another text message. From him! Inquiring about my whereabouts...
Crazy, much?
Needless to say, we still haven't rescheduled that date.