Title: A Boring Day in an Old Couple's life (Oneshot) Pairing: OhMiya Genre: Romance; Fluff Rating: PG-13-ish Word Count: 989 words Summary: On a normal day, he would have been bored out of his mind by now. But for some strange reason, he's not. And that's when it hit him. The reason he doesn't feel tired or bored. The reason has been in front of him the entire time. Literally. Disclaimer: I do not own them (unfortunately). A/N: Because this is what an hour of waiting in line for a van can do to you. And also because my super awesome friend and I have been on a back number fever for the past days. This was inspired by the song 日曜日 by back number. This is for you supercess because #relationshipgoals. And please know that I am waiting for a fic for 僕は君のことが好きだけど君は僕を別に好きじゃないみたい. ^_^
[Waste a few minutes of your life here]"Hey, Kazu. Wake up. It's almost time for lunch" Ohno whispers as he shakes Nino awake. Despite the comfortable warmth of Ohno's hands on his legs, his sleep is his top priority as of the moment so he turns away and covers his face with their blanket.
He felt Ohno leave the bed so he unburies his head just to see where his old man is going. He felt more awake when he saw Ohno stripping out of his pajamas and into his usual jersey. "I've already prepared lunch so get up and join me," says Ohno before he left for the living room.
Nino rolled a few more times on the bed, chasing its remaining warmth, before standing up and heading to devour the meal prepared by his boyfriend (and maybe devour his boyfriend as well after).
Ohno cooked his usual chahan. Nino would have complained but he couldn't deny the fact that Ohno's chahan is his favorite next to hamburger so he opted to silently feast on his boyfriend's cooking.
Lunch was a silent affair. They only shared small talks, talking about how they plan on lazying around their apartment during their day-off.
After lunch, Nino proceeded on washing the dishes while Ohno is on laundry duties. After washing the dishes, Nino headed to his usual place on the sofa to start the first leg of his adventure with his virtual friends. On his peripheral, he saw Ohno approaching with a basket full of their clothes but he barely moved a muscle.
"Ne, Kazu. Don't just play and help me out here," Ohno complains as he puts the basket down and sat on the other end of the sofa. "Nope. You're in charge of the laundry this week. I've already finished mine," Nino defends without even sparing Ohno a glance.
He saw Ohno pout and stand up from this place. Nino almost paused his game to apologize but the next minute, Ohno is already sitting on the floor, right between the sofa and the TV to block Nino's view. "Move your ass, Oh-chan. I can't see," Nino said as he sways on the sofa to ensure that his character is still kicking ass. Ohno didn't move a muscle, just sticking his tongue out to tease Nino and got started with folding their freshly-washed clothes.
Nino sighs. Knowing Ohno, that old man can be as stubborn as he is, so he just moved to the opposite side of the sofa so he can perfectly see the screen and Ohno.
A good few minutes has passed before Nino spoke.
"Ne, Oh-chan," Nino says without averting his eyes.
"Hmm?" Ohno answers.
"Don't you think we look like an old couple now? Today's rare, you know. Our day-off is on the same day. A young, healthy couple would have been on their third round of hot, steaming sex by now, you know. But look at us, you're just folding laundry there like the old man that you are."
"You want hot, steaming sex? Maybe if you get your ass away from the sofa and helped me here we could start our first round."
"But I'm not in-charge of laundry today."
Ohno said nothing and just continued neatly folding their underwear.
A few minutes after, Nino paused his game and looked at Ohno with all seriousness.
"Ne Oh-chan."
"What is it now? If it's not about helping me then I'm not listening."
"Can I do you while you're folding those?"
Ohno let go of Nino's yellow shirt he's folding and looked at Nino.
Ohno wanted to look pissed but he couldn't help the smile tugging at his lips when he saw that Nino was serious with his question. "You're stupid," Ohno dismissed Nino with just one sentence and moved on with his chore.
Nino, on the other hand, didn't move his gaze. He kept looking at Ohno folding shirt after shirt. On a normal day, he would have been bored out of his mind by now. But for some strange reason, he's not. There's something peaceful and satisfying in just looking at Ohno doing house chores.
Come to think of it, he doesn't feel tired even though he only had 4 hours of sleep from playing until this morning. He was deep in thought when he heard Ohno humming a song. After a few notes, he instantly understood what song its is. How can he not, Ohno was humming the song Nino composed just for him - Niji.
And that's when it hit him. The reason he doesn't feel tired or bored. The reason has been in front of him the entire time. Literally. It was Ohno. Waking up to Ohno's voice and Ohno's warmth, feasting on Ohno's taste first thing in the morning (in a totally wholesome sense), talking and arguing with Ohno about useless stuff, listening to Ohno unconsciously him his song, their song. An outsider might call them an old couple when they see how they spend their time together but Nino wouldn't have it any other way. He wouldn't change any part of their day for anything. Well, if you ask Nino, he would want to include a few hours of love making in their daily routine but nonetheless, he is already satisfied with the way they are. He doesn't mind spending each remaining days of his life like this. Hell, he would even wish for their every day to be this boring.
"Ne, Oh-chan."
"Hmm?" Ohno says without looking away from his second to the last shirt.
"What?" Ohno says as he reaches for the last piece.
"Ohno Satoshi."
Ohno placed the last shirt on his stack of folded clothes and looked at Nino.
"What is it, Ninomiya Kazunari?"
"I love you."
Ohno looked away without replying to Nino's love confessions but Nino can see Ohno's chubby cheeks getting redder and he smiled. Yep, he wouldn't trade these days for anything, even the most expensive game.