Proof of Aiba-chan's kindness

Mar 23, 2015 20:32

In yesterday's episode of Tokyo Live 22-ji, Aiba-chan received a call from Oochan, a 15-year old student who got bad grades in school. Her request? FOR AIBA-CHAN TO APOLOGIZE TO HER MOTHER ON HER BEHALF.

And Aiba-chan being Aiba-chan, he accepted her request (not like he can really refuse it). So after hearing the details from Oochan, here is what he said:

"It's totally okay for me to apologize. I'll apologize on your behalf so work hard. You have to work hard, okay?"

Just how kind-hearted are you? Apologizing for something you didn't do for someone you don't know? <3

If that were me, I'd put all my effort into studying just to get a perfect score on my exam.

Oochan, gambatte! Don't put Aiba-chan's effort in vain! :)

aiba, tokyolive22ji

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