Feb 21, 2011 15:59
i feel TERRIBLE!!
recently ive become obsessed with justin bieber (dont judge me!) so now im like so out of the arashi fandom and im listening to boom boom for the first time and i just feel so BAD! i guess i should just get used to it huh? i mean one day ill have a life other than them. (hopefully!) but i reassure you, arashi will always be my number one, no matter how cute jbiebs gets!
speaking of boom boom, i freaking love it! so many hot neen parts XD
and the lotus pv is SEXAYY! nino's high note is a heart attack!
the scene tour was great! was it just me or was ohno 10x the cute in it? and aibas perf was litterally the cutest thing i have ever seen XD and i was watching it alone and, of course, OF COURSE, my dad comes in when their singing circus,the weirdest oufit of the whole con. sigh. life. but was anyone else scared of that clown? that was serious business.
and i made a twitter guys! i think we all knew this day would come. my name is arashibieber XD dont judge! please follow meh!!
ok listenng to boomboom for the third time XD i really love it.
justin bieber,
arashi is number one