clipsie Title: A Tame Life
Pairing/Focus: Nino
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Not everyone’s tale at Hogwarts was particularly interesting, but the friendships were always worth it.
Notes: I know very little about Harry Potter, so when I presented the tiniest of details to my lovely beta, it was definitely not what she expected. I hope
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Comments 14
I'll be back later with a proper comment because there are so many parallels and details I want to highlight! Thank you for this!!! <3
Oookay, here I go again. =) First of all I loved that you went with the Harry Potter-prompt, I know that there have been other fics with Arashi at Hogwarts but I honestly can't get enough of it! I'm a huge Potter fan, if that wasn't obvious from my username. ;) And what's so fun about this fic is, you've really managed to incorporate so much of Arashi’s journey into this!
I loved all their houses - of course Nino is a Slytherin, and of course he charms his way into the Gryffindor tower whenever he wants to! I can see Aiba in other houses as well but it's so nice that he's a Gryffindor here, and their interhouse friendship is really cute!!! Seeing Jun in Hufflepuff was more of a surprise, but I can totally see it with how he's so hardworking and dedicated. And Ohno is totally absolutely definitely a Ravenclaw!!! And yes Sho in Gryffindor yes, it's perfect!!!
I loved how all their friendships came about and how it totally mirrored their real-life friendships. Nino and Aiba! Nino and Toma!!! Jun and Toma's sort of unlikely friendship and ( ... )
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