It's here! I'm slightly late (it's already April 2nd in some places), but Nino lovin' is always worth the wait.
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Rules/FAQ if you haven't already. Feel free to ask me questions, talk to me about your life, etc.
As always, here's what the sign-up looks like:
Fic journal:
E-mail address:
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Fic journal: cutselvage @ archiveofourown
E-mail address: cutselvage at gmail dot com
Pairings/friendships I'd like to receive: I'll read pretty much Nino/anyone, but for slash pairings, I'd prefer Matsumiya, Aimiya or Ohmiya; bonus for Ohmatsumiya :3 Sho/Nino bros friendship is A+, but not so much relationships. I love a strong Aiba/Nino friendship too. Outside of Arashi, Nino/Ryo and Nino/Ohkura would be fantastic! OT5 is also very welcome. If you can squeeze any/all of Kanjani8 into my fic in any way, I'll adore you forever~ TOKIO, Eita, Kazapon, cameos are also A+.
I don't have specific het preferences for Nino (ideally I'd prefer a slash fic), but for supporting cast and Nino/lady friendships, I adore: Kitagawa Keiko (esp Keiko/Sho), Ueto Aya, Becky (Aiba/Becky hell yes), Toda Erika, Naka Riisa, Perfume, Anne, Mizuhara Kiko.
Also perfectly down with gen fic, but my preference is for a pairing.
Prompts: Genres, situations, storylines, kinks, etc. I would like to receive: Slice-of-life moments, "getting together" fics, Nino learning a new skill (e.g. cooking, ikebana, whatever, especially if another member of the band is teaching him), Magical AUs (I FUCKING LOVE MAGICAL AUs OKAY), epistolary fics (especially via multiple forms of media), Nino trolling everyone, Historical AUs, especially medieval Japan. I'm a-ok with sexytimes, of pretty much all stripes. Hurt/comfort, romance (bonus for awkward romance), happy endings. Threesomes are A+, no cheating though. I love it when a seemingly random action sets off a chain of events leading to romance/sexytimes. Cross-dressing is excellent, and if you wrote me a Takarazuka AU I'd love you 5eva.
Prompts: Genres, situations, storylines, kinks, etc. I WOULD NOT like to receive: No rape/noncon/dubcon or underage malarkey. No character deaths (minor/off-screen is okay). Unending angst with an unhappy ending. No horror/gore.
I would like to write (pairings/friendships and prompts): I'm happy to write Nino in essentially any configuration with the other Arashi members, as well as with anyone from Kanjani8. I'm also happy to write het (unattached ladies only) and gen.
I WILL NOT write (pairings/friendships and prompts): Basically everything in my Would Not Like To Receive. I'd prefer not to write Sho/Nino romance, or Nino/ladies. In terms of prompts, I'm not great at sci-fi or action/adventure-y fics. I don't have enough of a grasp on group dynamics for non Arashi pairings, with the exception of Nino and guys in Eito.
Rating preference (written and received): PG - NC-17
I can beta! (Y/N) Sure!
I can pinch hit! (Y/N) Possibly.
I have these things to say that were not addressed in any of the other categories:
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