
Jul 01, 2011 08:06

First and foremost, I'd like to thank you all for playing along this year. This exchange quite literally wouldn't have happened if it weren't for our lovely participants and readers, and I'm just thrilled at how amazing this experience has been. I hope that you've had as much fun as I have.

Secondly, super special thanks go out to all of the people I tapped to help other authors with beta reading, and especially to our pinch hitters: aeslis, harinezumi_kun, and ltgmars. Without you fine folks, we wouldn't have made it through this exchange alive. So extra love to you!

I'd come up with a third point, but I'm sure you just want to get to the reveals already. So let's get to it!

120795bubbly Here's My Hello
aeslisltgmars Quintessential
airairoyoshiblack16 Friendship
allodolesatsumatsu Tokyo, 90 degrees, fine
alphie_damiekusername_hannah Smut for a Powerhouse's Birthday
astrangerenterslittlealex The Myth of Ohno Satoshi
bubblyjadeswallow Necessary Separations
clipsienicefinalbeam Raine, Raine, Go Away
emi84astrangerenters A Film By Ninomiya Kazunari
gimmick_gamehoneyporridge spaceships in this universe
greatfountainltgmars Crazy Little Thing Called
harinezumi_kunalphie_damiek Corteo
honeyporridgeaeslis Magic in the Trees
jadeswallowgimmick_game The Scenery I'm Seeing
kametoahiruspiegelaugen Silence: Lost in Desperation
kanu_xaeslis Boys Over Magic/Yamada Nino
littlealexclipsie Smoke in the Mirror Leads to Random Happenings
lotuswix_ie Unconditional
ltgmarsemi84 Price of Regret
nicefinalbeamxplodey_di Doki Doki
satsumatsushardaunei Drawing the Line
shardauneigreatfountain Just a little relish
spiegelaugenharinezumi_kun the gravity of you
username_hannahairairo Nino Getting Married
wix_iekametoahiru Apartment #801
xplodey_dikanu_x Q&A
yoshiblack16harinezumi_kun best served cold

I'd like to thank you all one more time for making our first ever Nino Exchange such a huge success! If you have any comments about how the exchange went this year or suggestions for the future, please don't hesitate to drop me a line via e-mail ( or LJ PM, whenever you feel like it. I am here to serve you and your Nino fic needs 365.25 days of the year!

You all are great. Hope to see you next year. ♥

*year: 2011, !reveals

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