Moving to clearer and more compact spaces

Jul 14, 2013 11:18

Its been almost 12 years since I started blogging...

From time to time, I've moved from one space to another in the attempt
      to repackage my thoughts and probably on a certain extent repackage
      myself as well over and over again.

With everything that has been said and done, I keep on bouncing back to this blog at
       the end of every era; the blog that I've posted my deepest and the pettiest thoughts
       in since I was 15.

As much as I'd like to keep my thoughts in here for much longer, I have come to realize
       (on a practical level) that there are simpler, more compact and more connected spaces
       (technically speaking) as opposed to this blog that I have maintained for so long...

I have entertained the though of posting across platforms, but its just doesn't seem
        practical to maintain anymore.

Like me a lot of old friends have moved on to different spaces and the only newsfeed I
       can track them ALL in is on facebook. The updates may seem less personal and more
        compact as opposed to my livejournal newsfeed, but i guess to a certain extent, its
       still them and they are still there.

So anyways if you stumble upon my livejournal page, this will be the last entry.

After 1,319 journal entries, 837 comments posted, 568 comments received, 4 tags,
      9 memories, 19 photos, 0 V-Gifts, and 15 userpics. I'm moving on to If your a friend or even a stranger who has
      followed my thoughts online, maybe you can folllow me there...

I don't know if its age (or response to the technical aspect of blogging and social media platforms) but I'll be there for quite a while. Its been an amazing journey with livejournal, but as with all phases in life, this has come to an end.

(hahaha parang graduation sa livejournal?) on a lighter note, I'm back with blogging! I hope you can follow me around. Thanks for taking the time to read these thoughts. Till the next entry :)
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