Feb 26, 2012 20:01
Sat, 14:29 : Operation 48 hours (check) (@ Casa Castillo) [pic]: http://t.co/oBBVdnOY Sat, 15:42 : @ yeahanniam dora misses you @ gustavomgff Sat, 15:44 : me:i have no sleep, i was up last night and i drank a lil beer,jagger &margarita @ gustavomgff :oh so you were out with@yeahanniam last night? Sun, 05:41 : Watching reruns on star world ;) http://t.co/rabycK7r @ GetGlue @ AmericanIdol Sun, 07:55 : Late Lunch/Merrienda with Dora Anne and Toinky :) (@ Komrad Hunan & Sichuan Cuisine) [pic]: http://t.co/KtzR6vIr Sun, 07:59 : Yum (Komrad Garlic Somai @ Komrad) http://t.co/vH6llF9o Sun, 08:27 : Not as flavorful as it smells (Braised Pork In A Pot @ Komrad) http://t.co/w6YmOMgN Sun, 08:31 : Thanks General Tso! Itsoyummeh! (Generals Tso's Chicken @ Komrad) http://t.co/cNjZtwiL Sun, 08:35 : It's okay (not too crazy bout it :p (Sichuan Boiled Fish Bowl @ Komrad) http://t.co/yTR4VLGD Sun, 09:15 : Waiting for the happiness :9 (@ Happy Lemon) [pic]: http://t.co/PMSCEqVG