VF-Fic: Taking a Risk - Part 1

Feb 14, 2007 09:01

Title: Taking a Risk - Part 1
Author: ninnive
Fandom: 'Viewfinder'-series by Yamane Ayano
Pairing: Asami x Takaba
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: vague spoilers for the entire series
Summary: Asami doesn't like the status quo and is determined to change it

Disclaimer: They don't belong to me, and that's good, because I cannot draw ;)

A/N: Takes place some weeks after Asami and Takaba come back to Japan


When he came back from the shower, Asami hesitated in front of his bedroom, softly touching the closed door with his fingertips. It was a way of stalling, Asami knew; and although there was nobody here to see his display of weakness, knowing he had shown it at all, made him angry. And even more insecure, but he was determined to ignore that.

Steeling himself, he opened the door - and let out a quiet sigh when he saw Takaba still lying there, curled up on the big bed and obviously sleeping. Trying not to make a noise, Asami stepped closer to the young man and reached out to softly stroke over his hair. As this didn't rouse his lover, he carefully sat down next to him on the bed and enjoyed the rare opportunity to just look at Takaba without him getting defensive or even outright angry; he'd fully expected to have to sleep alone tonight, as Takaba had the unnerving habit of vanishing out of his direct reach as fast as possible - and Asami's shower certainly had given him every chance to bolt. But this time he hadn’t, and right now he seemed content to just lie there and sleep, looking utterly adorable in his relaxed and peaceful pose.

Asami allowed himself a quiet smile and, feeling like an adventurer, placed his splayed-out hand possessively on the middle of Takaba’s back, pressing his fingers lightly into the palpable ribs and tracing irregular patterns with his thumb.

Takaba shifted at that, inching closer and lifting his head slowly while his eyes were still mostly closed. “Mmmh… Asami,” he slurred. “What’re you doing? You can’t be up for another round yet…”

“Is that supposed to be a challenge?” Asami replied in a low and rough voice. Truth be told, he hadn’t planned on fucking Takaba again right now, and he felt an uncomfortable twitch at the automatic conclusion his young lover had drawn.

“No! I just… I’m exhausted. And definitely not up for… whatever. I’m just tired…”

“Well, then I guess I’ve got nothing to prove. Go back to sleep, Akihito. I’ll just be here.”

“Doing what?”

“Molesting you while you are helpless, what else?” Asami teased.

“Mmmh… okay.” Takaba yawned widely and rested his head on Asami’s thigh, closing his eyes while he made himself comfortable there.

“You look like an overgrown kitten, all sleepy and curled up in my lap like that.”

Takaba answered by biting none too gently into Asami’s leg, right above the knee, leaving behind a clear red mark.

“Hey! What do you think you’re doing?”

“Marking my territory. And be glad I’m not doing it like a real cat would…”

“Yes, that would be definitely… disturbing. And of course I’m glad you’re not a cat - but I’m also glad you’re not Pavlov’s dog,” Asami said in a light tone, belied by the tense expression of his face. “I’m just generally glad you’re back,” he finished as quietly as possible, afraid to have crossed a dangerous border. They hadn’t spoken of Takaba’s time in China since their return nearly two months ago, carefully pretending that there was nothing wrong.

“Yes, me too,” Takaba whispered against Asami's thigh. "At first I didn't like being treated like a piece of meat and then I liked responding to a rapist even less. But I guess that's to be expe…"

"Stop that!" Asami interrupted him sharply. "You can't compare… It's not… I'm not…"

Takaba didn't answer the unspoken plea but curled himself even farther into a ball, looking away.

"I see," Asami finally pressed out, letting his hand fall from where it had laid on the other man's arm and exhaling deeply. "Then why are you still here? As far as I can see you're not bound to the bed."

"I… I just wanted to stay. I don't really know why."

Asami didn't like that answer, but he sensed that he wouldn't get a better one right now. He was about to reach for a blanket to tuck them both in, when a sudden idea popped into his mind. And since he'd rarely been let down by his instincts, he didn't hesitate to follow through with it. Schooling his features into an indifferent expression, he quietly said: "Then maybe you should go."

chapter 2

taking a risk, vf, fic

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