Title: Having (to ask) (continuation of Wondering) Author: ninnive Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano Characters: Takaba, Asami, Sunglasses Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7 Summary: Asami comes back
Thanks! And it has been a while for those two :) And I can so see Asami wanting Aki to ask for it, after all he did something similar during their last session in Naked Truth
Hm, maybe Aki finally realizing how much he likes to be naked (in front of Asami), he kind of does in the 2. chapter of NT. But since the arc isn't finished, maybe there will be some naked truths in future chapters - or maybe there isn't a special meaning, I mean, where were the Flowers on the High Loft? ;)
*nods nods* Well, maybe I'm just hoping for a really nice ending, given what she's managed to do to all the poor ukes while Asami gets out of it with just a few bullets and a stabbed hand.
And I can so see Asami wanting Aki to ask for it, after all he did something similar during their last session in Naked Truth
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