Oh my god another one!!!

Aug 07, 2008 00:10

Could I really be posting again???

Yes, yes I am, and once again it's all about work.

Now, for those of you that don't know, I work at Williams-Sonoma in the Stamford Town Center. The mall has been trying really really hard to renovate and "update" everything and it's almost worked. The price to pay for the new food court upstairs is all of the construction woes that go with said food court. Now they're done with all but 2 of the restaurants, and I'll spare you all the gory details of waterfalls at work due to shitty planning on their part. We thought we were finished with water coming through the ceiling, but apparently we weren't. As I was closing the last register, i hear this noise that sounds like the debris falling from the ceiling, so I pay no attention to it. Until I looked over at the sink. Now we have an actual working stove that we use on a daily basis, and next to it is a little hand washing sink. Lo and behold, water is dripping through the light fixture and into the sink. Cue me sending the associate that was with me running out into the mall after the security guard that walked by to tell them what had happened. We find out that the engineer won't be there for another 45 minutes. It's 9:30 at this point, and I had hoped to be walking out the door. Instead we end up waiting for the guy to show up, after calling the bosses to tell them what was going on, and to make sure that it was okay that we stayed. On the plus side, we still had  Hagen Daas left over from a class we had done earlier in the week, so it wasn't all bad :-)

We end up leaving the store at 10:45, after the leak stopped on it's own. The cause of the problem? 
One of the restaurants upstairs was washing their floor.


Sometimes I hate the mall I work in. Good job guys, all that construtcion upstairs obviously helped alot. 
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